  • 期刊

The Relationship of the 6-Minute Walking Distance and Pulmonary Function Test to Maximal Oxygen Consumption in Patients with Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis



前言:探討靜態肺功能檢查、六分鐘走路肺功能檢查,與最大氧氣消耗量之間的相關性。並評估是否可預測最大氧氣消耗量,如此一來我們就可以用比較不昂貴且安全的檢查,來達到我們所要求的目標。 方法:我們篩選總共37位塵肺症病患進行靜態肺功能檢查、六分鐘走路肺功能檢查,同時安排運動心肺功能檢查已獲得最大氧氣消耗量。直線回歸模式分析多個變數,包括身高、體重、年齡、一氧化碳肺擴散容量、一氧化碳肺擴散容量/肺泡容積、六分鐘走路肺功能行走距離、週邊血液氧氣飽和度改變百分比、心跳改變百分比、Borg尺度、第一秒內用力呼氣容量、用力呼氣肺活量、以及第一秒內用力呼氣容量與用力呼氣肺活量的比值。 結果:六分鐘走路肺功能行走距離是最強的獨立變數,用它來預測最大氧氣消耗量,其相關係數是0.644。預測公式為(最大氧氣消耗量=2.488×六分鐘走路肺功能行走距離-85.85)。而相關性最大的預測公式是使用六分鐘走路肺功能行走距離、用力呼氣肺活量、一氧化碳肺擴散容量、身高、週邊血液氧氣飽和度改變百分比、以及體重,其相關係數是0.874,公式為(最大氧氣消耗量=1.484×六分鐘走路肺功能行走距離+105.242×用力呼氣肺活量+9.138×一氧化碳肺擴散容量+7.484×身高+26.756×週邊血液氧氣飽和度改變百分比+3.563×體重-1316.316)。 結論:六分鐘走路肺功能行走距離可以用來預測塵肺症病患的最大氧氣消耗量。加上身高、體重、和靜態肺功能檢查數據,可以增加預測的準確率。


Background: We investigated the relationship of data from the pulmonary function test and 6-minute walking test (6MWT) to maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) and predicted VO2 max in patients with pneumoconiosis, with the goal of being able to evaluate the functional status of pneumoconiosis patients with a test, which is less expensive and much safer for the patient. Methods: This study included 37 patients with pneumoconiosis who had performed the 6-minute walking test, and resting pulmonary function test, and from whom the VO2 max was obtained from an exercise cardiopulmonary function test. Lineal regression analysis of multiple variables, involving body height (BH), body weight (BW), patient age, DLCO, DLCO/VA, distance walked during the 6MWT, changes in SpO2 (△SpO2), changes in heart rate (△HR) during the 6MWT, Borg scale, FEV1, FVC, and FEV1/FVC, was done. Results: The distance of the 6MWT was the strongest independent variable to predict VO2 max, with a correlation coefficient (R) of 0.644 (p<0.001). The predicted equation was VO2 max = 2.488 x distance of the 6MWT - 85.85. The factors of greatest correlation to predict VO2 max were the distance of the 6MWT, FVC, DLCO, BH,△SpO2, and BW with a R of 0.874 (p<0.001). The equation was VO2 max = 1.484 x distance of the 6MWT + 105.242 x FVC + 9.138 x DLCO + 7.484 x BH + 26.756 x△SpO2 + 3.563 x BW - 1316.316. Conclusions: The distance of the 6MWT can be used to predict VO2 max in patients with pneumoconiosis. The addition of the patients’ body height and weight, and data from the pulmonary function tests, can increase the accuracy of predicting VO2 max.


