  • 期刊

Pulmonary Infection due to M. Flavescen-A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Mycobacterium flavescens引起之肺部感染-病例報告和文獻回顧


Mycobacterium flavescens在人類常被視為非病原菌至目前為止只有非常少數的病例報告。其中包括皮膚、眼角膜、關節腔和肺部感染。這些病人大多有癌症、糖尿病或免疫力不全。我們在此報告一位七十歲男性病人,有陳舊性肺結核和長期抽菸史,住院期間一直發燒不退,呼吸困難,經多種抗生素治療無效。痰液中反覆培養出mycobacterium flavescens,藥物敏感試驗顯示部分抗結核藥有效,經投藥後燒退,呼吸困難改善而出院。最後我們回顧了此一非結核分枝桿菌之特性及相關文獻報告。


M. flavescens is a member of Runyon group Ⅱ, the scotochromogens. Although the isolation of M. flavescens from human specimens is not uncommon, only in extremely rare cases has this organism been considered to be responsible for disease. We report the case of a 74-year-old male presenting with persistent fever and dyspnea which were unresponsive to empiric antibiotics. Chest X-ray revealed fibrocystic change in the left lower lung field with bilateral apical pleural thickening and decreased left lung volume. Repeated growth of M. flavescens was found in the sputum culture. Fever subsided after the use of sensitive anti-mycobacteria agents. These findings suggest the pulmonary infection was caused by M. flavescens.
