  • 期刊

Electroencephalographic Studies of Classical Conditioning in Man



本實驗研究之目的,在使用腦波儀(Electroencephalograph,簡稱EEG)以探求人類Alpha型腦波,在古典式交替學習(Classical conditioning)的設計下,構成各種交替反應的可能。研究包括三個相關的實驗:(1)光刺激變化時對Alpha波節律活動的影響;(2)Alpha波交替反應的建立;(3)在節律光刺激下定向反射(Orientation refles)現象的形成。參加本實驗之受試者,均爲師範大學男生,共計36人;期在人年齡均在18至24歲之間,腦部無疾病,且無視聽覺障礙。本實驗所用之儀器,以美制之Offner Type T Electroencephalograph (8 channels)爲主。聲刺激系由一聽力計(Audiometer)發生聲音,經由耳機傳與受試者;其強度以能清楚職到爲限。光刺系由置於受試者面前之電燈發出,其強度變化在4.5至100 Watts之間。電極連接技術以雙極誘導法(Bipolor technique)爲主,單極誘導法(Monopolor technique)副之。誘導區域以腦枕葉(Occipital lobe)與顳顬葉(Temporal lobe)爲主。 由上述三實驗所得記錄,經統計分析後,獲得如下之結果: 一、光刺激消失後,Alpha波的復原時間(Recovery time)遠較刺激開始後的抑制時間(Blocking time)爲長。在100次試驗中,抑制時間的平均值爲246msec,標准差爲41msec;但復原時間的平均值則爲1061msec,標准差爲249msec。 二、光刺激消失後,Alpha波復原後的頻率,較之光刺激前,有顯著的增加。在50次試驗中,光刺激前的平均值10.84c/sec,標准差爲0.86c/sec刺激後的平均值則爲11.86c/sec,標准差爲0.84c/sec,平均增加率爲9.34%。 三、交替刺激(聲)與非交替刺激(光)之間的時距(Interval)爲500msec。至1秒時,兩刺激平均相隨出現7次後,即可見到同時交替反應(Simultaneous conditioned response)。惟所得之交替反應不甚穩定,多半在4至5次無增強(Reinforcement)的試驗中,即出現消弱(Extinction)現象。 四、若交替刺激與非交替刺激之間的時距拉長到5至10秒時,兩刺激必須相隨出現40次以上,始可見到延石交替反應(Delayed conditioned response)。此種交替反應極不穩定,停止增強後2至3次的試驗中,即可出現消弱現象。 五、在節律光刺激下,經過較長的時間(約在30秒以上),Alpha波對光的反應,會産生定向反射現象。即光刺激此時已失雲抑制Alpha波活動的作用,而使Alpha波對光産生了適應現象。本研究中之實驗三果顯示:若節律光刺激的頻率接近Alpha波的頻率時,定向反射現象就較易出現。由於定向反射現象的産生,可知光刺激對於Alpha波的作用,似不能單純被視爲是一種非交替刺激。因此,Alpha波交替反應的形成後的消弱及增強兩者,似亦不能純以Pavlov氏的交替學習原則,獲得完滿的解釋。




Despite the rapid growth in our knowledge of the brain and nervous system in the past century, information in this field has still fallen far behind the needs of the rapidly growing science of psychology. Even today, the role of the brain and nervous system in the simplest sensory experiences or motor reactions is not completely understood, Our knowledge of what an organism can perceive, learn, remember, and do, is much greater than our understanding of how such proecesses occur. In recent years, however, psychological and physiological resarches have brought us some new discoveries and new concepts of the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Among these discoveries, the EEG (electroencephalograph) which has been utlized to study the relation between brain function and behavior is of particular importance. In 1929, a German neuropsychiatrist, Hans Berger, demonstrated that the nervous system is not a mere standby system, active only when incoming sensory massages arouse it to activity, but that it is continuously active electrically (Hill and Parr, 1963). This pioneer work was largely ignored until similar investigations were carried out in Adrian’s laboratory at Cainbrige. Then, in 1934, Adrian and Metthews published their classic paper entitled “The Berger Rhythm; Potential Changes from the Occipital Lobes in Man” confirming to a large extent of Berger’s observations. Adrian and Matthews described regular potential oscillations at approximately 10 cycles per second detected by electrodes applied to the scalp. They agreed with Berger’s conclusion that these waves were due to electrical activity of the cortex; they demonstrated, however, that these waves arose from the occipital lobes and not from the whole cortex as Berger had contended. Investigating the response of this activity (which became known. as alpha activity) to certain types of stimulation they concluded that the essential activity necessary for the disappearance of the rhythm is pattern vision, although certain other types of stimulation or activity such as unexpected touch stimuli, pressure on eyeballs, probem solving may cause a diminution. V After Adrian and Matthews’s confirmation, investigators in Europe and America began to utilize their techniques in an attempt to solve the tangled. problem of brain function. The electroencephalographic experiments carried out so far have been concerned chiefly with the effect of light upon alpha activity. Investigators have studied the effect of variation in stimulus intensity and duration upon the alpha activity (Cruikshank, 1937; Jasper and Cruikshank, 1956), the effect of attention and external stimulation upon the alpha wave response to light (Jasper and Cruik.. shank, 1935; Thomas, 1962), the perseveration of the alpha blocking response to light (Jasper and Cruikshank, 1937; Travis and Knott, 1936, 1937), and have made electroencephalographic studies of conditioned learning (Jasper and Shagass, 1941; Knott and Henry, 1941; Travis and Egan, 1936). A review of these researches shows that few investigators have considered the phenomenon of orientation reflex (also entitled habituation) of the alpha wave response to a strong visual stimulation. In this country, though it has been utilized recently for clinical purpose in several hospitals, electroencephalographic techniques has not yet been employed in psychological laboratory. The present series of experimental studies was undertaken to investigate the basic phenomena of various aspects of electroencephalogram in groups of normal human subjects in a rather simply equipped laboratory. Three related experiments were included in these stduies: (1) the effect of light stimulation upon occipital alpha rhythmic activity; (2) conditioned response formation of occipital alpha rhythm; and (3) orientation reflex of alpha rhythm to light stimulation.




