  • 期刊


Globalization and the Development Strategy of Less Developed Countries


本文檢視現今全球化趨勢,發現在貿易、投資各方面,全球整合的程度在戰後確有增長,但增長速度卻有相當差異,並且真正整合性的全球市場尚未出現。同時這全球化趨勢與不是一個新的現象,第一次大戰前的整合趨勢,被戰爭及保護主義所打斷。 後進國加入全球化過程看來難以避免,不過這是否對其有利?新自由派認爲自由市場可以解決一切問題,因此主張後進國要參與國際分工,更要全面自由化依賴自由市場來發展經濟。修正學派者則持不同意見,一方面他們同意後進國必須參與國際市場,才能學習到先進技術,但另一方面卻認爲不能依賴自由市場來達成目標。他們認爲市場永遠是不完美的,後進國是追趕先進國,必須有強勢政府干預用産業政策等工具,來策劃推動産業發展策略,如此才能發展經濟、提高生産力。在戰後後進國之中,東亞是唯一縮短了與先進國距離的地區,而東亞同時是貿易依存度特別高、也以政府干預産業政策主導經濟發展的地區,支持了上述的修正學派的理論。 戰後國際貿易主義體系已經於絕大多數的後進國而方言,是個很嚴苛的考驗,衆多後進國失敗或進乎失敗了,而先進國的實質援助與新自由派的理論處方,多無濟於事甚至有害。在目前的國際情況下,後進國也只能自救。


Examining the post-WWⅡ globalization trend, this paper finds that the degree integration has increased in terms of trade and capital flows. The speed of integration, however, varies greatly among different aspects and across regions. Despite the progress, a truly integrated global market is still far from being a reality. What is the feasible development strategy for the LDC? Neo-liberalism emerged in the 1970s, and its proponents believe reliance on free market the only way to development. On the other hand, the revisionists think that strong and effective government intervention is required to achieve successful industrialization. The latter agrees that participation in the global market is necessary for the LDCs to learn the advanced technology, but managed trade coupled with industrial policy, rather than free trade, is requisite to fulfill the development objective. The fact that the successful East Asian NICs relied heavily upon trade but at the same time had strong government intervention lends support to this argument. The global capitalist system presents a daunting challenge to the LDCs, and many have failed to meet the challenge. Aid from the DCs and the neo-liberal recipe did not help much. Under the present circumstances, a revisionist type of development strategy seems a more feasible route to development.


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