  • 期刊


Crisis of the Colonial Sugar Industry and the Resturcturing of Indigenous Class Structure: Impact and Change in the Contradictory Relationship between Rice and Sugar (1925-1942)




殖民經濟 發展 階級


The colonial mechanism of surplus extraction centered on the accumulation of Japanese sugar captial. Various studies have shown that the relative stagnation of the rice production in the years prior to 1925 was the key to sugar profits. In the period 1925-1939 the rice sector, which had eluded the penetration of Japanese captial, rapidly expanded production, along with the drastic increase of Japan's market demand for rice. In sharp contrast to the earlier prolonged stagnation, the expanding rice production enriched native producers and raised peasant living standards. In this paper, we study the structural factors, particularyly the class structure, that caused the surprising developmental pattern centering on the Taiwanese landlord-dominated rice production in the 1925-39 period and contrast it with the pre-1925 development pattern centering on the Japanese capitalist-dominated sugar production. Beyond the comparison of developmental patterns centering on respective crops, we investigate how development of the rice sector intenisified the contradiction between rice and sugar production and undermined the coloial mechanisms of surplus extraction favoring Japanese sugar capital. During the late 1930s, in order to restore the threatened colonial surplus extraction mechanisms and to create conditions conducive to industrialization, the colonial administration used full scale political coercion to undermine the agricultural terms of trade. Our analysis foucuses on the reshaping of both social and economic structures that contradicted the administration's scheme. Along with the attempt to restructure the indigenous social system in order to weaken the native landlord class and its class associates-miller/merchants-in the rice sector, the colonial administration tightened its control of the circulation of rice and eventually monopolized the rice trade. We trace the economic imperatives, as well as the balance of power among conflicting class forces (primarily rice producers, miller/ merchants, and Japanese rice exporters vis-a-vis sugar capitalists), in order to understand the reshaping process and its effects.


colonialism development class


