  • 期刊


Multiculturalism in Taiwan a Preliminary Study of Its Origins, Evolution, and Impact on Taiwan's Democratic Politics


本文主要是對多元文化主義(multiculturalism)論述在後解嚴台灣公共討論中的出現、論述內容的演變、以及相關辯論對台灣民主政治的影響進行初步的探討;亦即,本文旨在提供多元文化主義在台灣之發展及其對台灣民主政治之影響的一個概略圖像。除了對出現在台灣討論中的多元文化主義論述進行思想史的考察以外,本文也藉由分析台灣的多元文化主義辯論,主要是批判性多元文化主義者與主流多元文化主義者之問的辯論,嘗試從批判性的角度提出一個兼顧文化承認與社會正義價值的論述,為台灣多元文化主義的相關辯論、以及在台灣社會的脈絡下建構一個進步的民主論述,提供一個思考方向;而這個批判性的角度主要是受到新左派學者Nancy Fraser在全球化以及認同政治高漲的歷史脈絡下對「承認」、「正義」、「平等」等概念討論的影響。


This paper outlines the growth of multiculturalism in Taiwan through theoretical discussion and historical narratives. It begins by analysing the formation and evolution of multiculturalism in post-authoritarian Taiwan. It then offers an assessment of the impact of the multiculturalist debate on the public imagination of Taiwan's democratic future. As well as offering an empirical analysis of multiculturalist discourses articulated in the local debate, the paper is also an attempt to locate the democratic debate in Taiwan in the contexts of a globalised world and the age of identity politics. It does so by proposing a progressive discourse of democracy which draws primarily upon Nancy Fraser's discussions of ”recognition”, ”justice” and ”equality.”


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