

Phil Jackson在1989年至1998年間,帶領芝加哥公牛隊拿下6次總冠軍,在2000年至2011又帶領洛杉磯湖人隊拿下5次總冠軍,他出了一本名為《Sacred Hoops》的書,為何他認為籃框是神聖的?奧林匹克運動會為運動員心中的最高競技殿堂,而古老的奧林匹亞遺址,不只是最古老的運動場地,亦是當時舉行宗教儀式的場地,可見運動與宗教在古代不一定是兩件不同的事。宗教是神聖的,這是無庸置疑,而古希臘奧林匹克運動會的發源地亦是祭祀的場所,顯現運動與宗教息息相關。本研究試著以現象學的方式來描述神聖與運動,在對運動與神聖做本質上的探究後,運動以Huizinga提出的「運動的本質為遊戲」做為基石,梳理後得知遊戲不只是運動的本質,亦是宗教的開端,運動不是完全的遊戲,亦不是完全的神聖,但卻兼具了遊戲與神聖的特質。經過一番爬梳後,整理出聖地、儀式、神顯、顯聖物以及象徵五項,輔以現實生活中神聖的現象與運動故事來加以對照與描述,窺見運動中一絲絲神聖的曙光。


運動 神聖 遊戲


Phil Jackson led the Chicago Bulls to six NBA Championships from 1989 to 1998; he then coached the Los Angeles Lakers from 2000 to 2011, guiding the team to five league titles. The triumphant coach wrote a book named Sacred Hoops, with the intriguing title making one wonder why he described the sport as sacred. As the world's formost sports festival, the Olympic Games are deemed the highest goal and glory by athletes, and its ancient site of Olympia is not only the oldest sports venue, but also the venue for religious ceremonies at that time, which suggests that sport and religion were not necessarily separate in ancient times. There is no doubt that religion is sacred, and the fact that the birthplace of the ancient Greek Olympic Games was also where the ancient Greeks worshiped their god indicates that sport was closely related to religion. This study attempts to describe sacredness and sport from the perspective of phenomenology. While exploring the essence of sport and sacredness, the study delved into Huizinga's theory of play being an important cultural and social element and focused on the concept of play being the essence of sport. After in-depth examination, the study found that play is not only the essence of sports, but also the beginning of religion. Sport is neither completely playful nor completely sacred, but with both the characteristics of playfulness and sacredness. After further analysis, this study found five elements of sport that possess the qualities of sacredness, including sacred places, ceremony, miracle moments, holy objects, and symbols. Supplementated with real-life stories by way of comparison and illustration, this study managed to catch sight of the sacredness in sport.


sport sacred games


米爾恰‧伊利亞德(Mircea Eliade)著,《神聖的存在:比較宗教的範型》(晏可佳、姚蓓琴譯),桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,2008。
