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Genetic Diversity and Population Expansion of the Common Mackerel (Scomber japonicus) off Taiwan

台灣附近海域產白腹鯖(Scomber japonicus)之遺傳變異與族群擴張


利用粒線體DNA之控制區(D-loop)序列變異研析台灣附近海域產白腹鯖之族群遺傳結構及族群擴張。本研究採集來自基隆(PJ)、台東(TT)及林園(LY)等外海之三個族群樣本,共90隻個體進行分析。另,採集葡萄牙(POR)沿岸之一族群樣本供比較。全部樣本之基因型岐異度(Haplotype diversity, h)為97.10±0.8%,變異範圍從PJ之95.6±2.7%到POR之100%±4.5%;全部樣本之核苷酸岐異度(Nucleotide diversity, π)為1.71±0.18%,變異範圍從PJ之1.06±0.05%到POR之1.11±0.18%。單基因型之neighbor-joining樹、族群樣本間之FST值及分子變方等分析顯示葡萄牙及台灣之三族群樣本間皆有顯著之遺傳差異,但台灣之三族群樣本間並無顯著差異;此結果指出台灣附近之白腹鯖屬於單-基因庫。中性檢定(Neutrality test)及mismatch distribution等分析顯示台灣附近之白腹鯖從晚近更新世(late Pleistocene)起即經歷族群擴張。


Sequence analyses on the complete mitochondrial DNA control region were conducted to elucidate the population structure and population expansion of common mackerel (Scomber japonicus) off Taiwan. Three samples including 90 individuals were collected separately from waters off Keelung (PJ), Taitung (TT) and Linyan (LY). Control region sequences of one sample from Portugal (POR) were also sequenced and compared. Haplotype diversity (h) in the total data set was 97.10±0.8%, and the variations within samples ranged from 95.6±2.7% (PJ) to 100%±4.5% (POR). Nucleotide diversity (π) in the total data set was 1.71±0.18%, and variation within samples ranged from 1.06±0.05% (PJ) to 1.11±0.18% (POR). Analyses of a neighbor-joining tree of identified DNA haplotypes and F(subscript ST) values between samples, and an analysis of molecular variance revealed significant genetic differences between samples from Portugal and Taiwan, but no differentiation among the samples from Taiwan. These results suggested that the common mackerels off Taiwan belong to the single gene pool. Both mismatch distribution analysis and neutrality test suggested common mackerel off Taiwan had experienced population expansion since the late Pleistocene.
