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Burst Swimming Speeds of Two Minnows Acrossocheilus paradoxus and Varicorhinus barbatulus in Relation to Water Temperature and Body Size



本研究針對台灣石(魚賓)(Acrossocheilus paradoxus)與台灣鏟頷魚(Varicorhinus barbatulus)2種鯉科魚類的不同體長個體(5 cm to 18 cm)進行16℃、20℃、24℃、28℃與32℃等5組不同水溫的突進泳速試驗。結果顯示,2種對象魚種在所有試驗水溫之突進泳速皆與其體長呈顯著之線性正相關,在16℃~28℃的4組試驗,其迴歸關係曲線之斜率台灣石(魚賓)皆較台灣鏟頷魚為大。隨著水溫改變,2種對象魚種之突進泳速表現會有所差異,惟其平均突進泳速與水溫之迴歸關係曲線皆呈二次函數的拋物線,台灣石(魚賓)的最大平均突進泳速出現在水溫22.10℃時的1.63 m/sec,台灣鏟頷魚則出現在水溫19.29℃時的1.74 m/sec,前者較後者水溫高出2.81℃。2種魚類在發揮最大突進泳速時環境水溫的差異,與在天然的溪流裡台灣石(魚賓)與台灣鏟頷魚分布水域的現象一致。此外,台灣石(魚賓)全年度皆可發揮其90%以上的最大突進游泳能力,反觀台灣鏟頷魚,僅有在冬季枯水期時足以為之,夏季豐水期則因水溫較高,游泳能力相對較弱。此一現象顯示,天然水域中2種魚類分布範圍與遷徙現象之差異,與季節更替所造成河川水溫及流速的改變對其游泳能力產生的影響有關。


Burst swimming speeds (U(subscript burst)) of various sizes (5 cm to 18 cm) of Acrossocheilus paradoxus and Varicorhinus barbatulus were examined in a water tunnel at 16°, 20°, 24° 28° and 32℃. U(subscript burst) was significantly positively correlated with body length for each of the water temperatures tested; the relationship was expressed by a linear equation. The size dependency of U(subscript burst) expressed by the slopes of the equations was higher for A. paradoxus than for V. barbatulus at 16° to 28℃ but not at 32℃. For each species the response curve of average U(subscript burst) to the temperatures was expressed by a quadratic function equation with the highest U(subscript burst) of 1.63 m/s at the optimum temperature of 22.10℃ for A. paradoxus but 1.74 m/s at 19.29℃ for V. barbatulus. The optimum temperature of the former was 2.81℃ higher than that of the latter, corresponding to the fact that A. paradoxus is a warmer water species that primarily occurs in the middle reaches of streams at low elevations, while V. barbatulus is a colder water species in the upper reaches of the streams at higher elevations. In addition, A. paradoxus was found to be able to perform above 90% of its maximum swimming performance all the year round, whereas V. barbatulus was only in the winter dry season but not in the summer monsoon season. The differences in the instream distribution and movement between the two species are due to their difference in response of their swimming performance to water temperature that is associated with stream water velocity and changes seasonally.


