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New Record of Ostrincola koe Tanaka, 1961 (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida: Myicolidae) from Hard Clam (Meretrix Iusoria) of Taiwan, with Key to Species of Genus Ostrincola Wilson, 1944

在臺灣產的文蛤(Meretrix lusoria)上發現到的新記錄種:屬於杯口水蚤目Myicolidae的橈足類─Ostrincola koe Tanaka, 1961,以及Ostrincola屬的種類檢索表


此篇報告針對在臺灣彰化縣芳苑鄉養殖的文蛤外套膜腔中發現的寄生性橈足類Ostrincola koe Tanaka, 1961進行再描述。值得注意的是,此寄生蟲曾對中國江蘇省南部養殖的蛤蠣[M. meretrix (Linnaeus)]造成相當高的死亡率。至今已在38種的雙殼綱軟體動物上發現到11種屬於Ostrincola Wilson, 1944的有效種,由於這38種的宿主名稱中有20種已過時,因此我們將其修正後整理成一表格,同時對Ostrincola屬的11種有效種之雌蟲做一檢索表。


寄生橈足類 臺灣 文蛤


Our discovery of the copepod parasite, Ostrincola koe Tanaka, 1961, from the mantle cavity of the hard clam, Meretrix lusoria (Röding), cultured in Fang-Yuan Village of Chang-Hua County, Taiwan is considered significant, because the parasite is known to cause mass mortality of the clam host, Meretrix meretrix (Linnaeus), cultured in southern Jiangsu Province in China. Ostrincola koe is redescribed based on the specimens from Taiwan. Eleven valid species of Ostrincola Wilson, 1944 are currently known from 38 species of bivalve mollusks. Inasmuch as 20 of those 38 recorded host names are outdated, a table is created to show and rectify those shortcomings. In addition, a key to the females of the 11 valid species of Ostrincola is given.


Ostrincola Myicolidae parasitic Copepoda Taiwan hard clam
