  • 期刊


A Study on the Relevant Policies and Bills Regarding Domestic Work in Taiwan




家事勞動 幫傭 監護工 外勞


In a traditional society, the work of housekeeping and care-giving is done by women at home. Since more and more women are welleducated and career-devoted, the numbers of working women increase dramatically. In many cases, domestic workers replace women at home, and become the m句or providers of the housekeeping and care-giving service. However, most domestic workers are vulnerable in the society. The work done by domestic workers is not profit-oriented. However, it is also true that the service provided by domestic workers is no difference form that by workers in other industries. If so, how come the employment rights obtained by workers in other industries can not be enjoyed by domestic workers? The vulnerability suffered by most domestic workers in Taiwan is not exceptional. The Labor Standards Act is enacted to provide minimum protections regarding working terms and conditions to most workers in Taiwan. Currently, domestic workers are excluded from the protection of the Labor Standards Act. It is indisputable that difficulties will occur if domestic workers are covered by the Labor Standards Act directly. However, it is also against the global value if no legal protection is provided to domestic workers. Since it is a global trend to provide comprehensive protections to domestic workers, it is improper for us to keep ignoring this issue. Therefore, it is vital to establish laws and regulations governing domestic work with purposes to solve the relevant problems and balance the interests of domestic workers and their employers.


