  • 期刊


Web-based, Hybrid Notifying System for Radiology Reports




This research proposes a novel system which utilizes both Web and wireless communication technologies to notify clinicians with short messages when critical keywords are found in the radiology diagnostic reports. The formulation of these keywords is different from previous method in which keywords are proposed in the view of radiology department. Instead, these keywords are provided by each clinical department in the hospital. By this way, it improves the willingness of clinicians to check for short messages which used to be too many for them to handle. Two ways are feasible to send these short messages, including: 1) sent by the reporting system automatically; 2) sent by the radiologists manually. There are two major benefits by leveraging this hybrid notifying method, including: 1) enhancing the accuracy of notification; 2) reducing the intervals between the time when radiologists finish the diagnostic reports and the time when clinicians engage in the treatment of patients. Besides, this method may be helpful in the enhancement of both the quality of medical care and the safety of patients.
