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A Study of New Immigrant Students’ Science Summer Camp in Taipei


本研究之目的,在探討國小新移民子女學生參與科學探索活動的學習成效。研究方法,採個案研究法。研究對象,為台北市某國小的新移民子女學生。科學教學活動設計為科學探索體驗活動,於學校暑假期間辦理,全程為期一星期。科學探索體驗活動之教學內容,包括:水動力火箭、太陽能動力車、摩力小馬、誰在吹氣球、月亮3D 遊戲等單元;透過科學實驗的設計、製作、與探索,及多元文化教育理念與策略的融入,提供新移民子女學生對科學的認識與體驗。研究工具,包括學習單、學生學習回饋意見表、和教師教學記錄。研究結果發現,新移民子女學生對科學探索有良好的學習表現,大都能完成指定的實驗設計與製作,達成科學過程技能與科學概念的統整,展現高度的學習意願。研究結果顯示,上述科學探索體驗活動,確實有助於提昇國小新移民子女學生的科學理解。綜合研究結果,本研究認為融合科學探索體驗與多元文化教育理念的教學型態,值得進一步研究與推廣,以提供更多的國小新移民子女學生來參與科學實驗和科學探索,增進他們良好的科學素養。


The major purpose of this study was to investigate the learning outcomes of new immigrant students’ science summer camp in Taipei. Case study method was used in this study. New immigrant students’ at an elementary school in Taipei were participated in this study. Science instructional model- iPod and multicultural education strategies were integrating into science summer camp activities. The learning activities of this science summer camp include water-power rocket, solar energy car, 3D moon discovery, etc. Students’ learning portfolios, worksheets, and observations were collected and analyzed. Major findings of this study were include:(1) students’ learning outcomes indicate that most of students are able to complete their science projects, in addition students maintain high motivations during their learning on science summer camp, (2) hands-on activities of science summer camp enhance students integrating science concepts and problem solving, (3) feedbacks from students also show that they love to do more science projects in the future. These results indicated that hands-on activities of science summer camp did improve new immigrant students’ science understanding and problem solving. Therefore it can be concluded that science summer camp is effective for new immigrant students in this study.
