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The Study of parental attitudes and related factors about the minor accidental injuries in young children


環觀現今幼兒日常生活中,在家中、托兒所或幼稚園、在社會發生的意外事故層出不窮。根據文獻資料顯示,在台灣及西方國家,即使在過去二十年來,傷害致死率已大幅降低,但是傷害卻仍是構成1 至14 歲兒童死亡的主因(Deborah,2004; Grossman,2000; Miller,2000)。本研究之調查工具係以Lewis 等人(2004)所發展之傷害態度問卷(InjuryAttitude Questionnaire)來量測父母的態度,該量表主要包含事故輕傷的兩個特性面向,分別為「學習價值」、「提昇強健」。為考驗傷害態度問卷之信效度,以立意取樣台中市5 家幼稚園共180 位幼兒家長為研究對象,有效回收147 份問卷,經由項目分析、探索性因素分析及驗證性因素分析等顯示量表具有良好的效度,而信度分析顯示整體量表之信度係數(Cronbach's α)達0.9108。本研究之探究層面主要在評估父母親對幼兒輕度事故傷害的態度及其相關影響因素(父母、幼兒及家庭因素等)。研究結果顯示父母對幼兒事故傷害態度在「強健」因素方面,幼兒的不同受傷經歷等有顯著差異;在「學習」因素方面,父母個人的不同婚姻狀況、幼兒的不同受傷經歷有顯著差異;而就整體態度而言,幼兒的不同受傷經歷有顯著差異。期望以調查研究之結果,提出具體建議,作為父母、照護者、幼兒安全教育工作者之參考,並藉以喚醒社會大眾正視幼兒安全第一的教育觀念,進一步對幼兒事故傷害風險預防有更深一層的了解。


Among the daily life of young children, the accident had happened at home, baby care center, kindergarten or society which is emerged in an endless stream. Based on literature, in Taiwan and in most industrial countries the world over, accidental injury is the most common cause of childhood death, even though the injury mortality rate has decreased considerably during the past decades (Deborah, 2004; Grossman, 2000; Miller, 2000). The purpose of this study was to provide an initial exploration of parental attitudes about the unintentional injuries in children. Injury attitudes were assessed with the Injury Attitudes Questionnaire (IAQ), a self-report instrument used for this study to measure beliefs in 2 specific areas: the "learning value" and "toughening up" characteristics of minor injuries (Lewis et al, 2004). The exploration of this study is to assess parents’ attitude toward the accident injury to young children and the related affected factors (such as the attributes of parents, young children, and the family). Regarding the result of this survey, we expect to provide concrete advice for parents, caregivers, and teachers who are devoted to education of young children's safety. For the purpose of awake the concept of the multitudes to face the safety of young children more seriously so as to further promote the understanding prevention of injury risk to young children.


