  • 期刊

Out of the Closet and into the Political Arena: Can the Internet Become a Location for Queer Movements?





同志運動 網路 基進民主


Many papers have closely examined cyberspace facilitates queer subjectivity. Cyberspace constitutes a contested space in which new discursive practices are developed. This paper follows the previous discussions and focuses on radical democracy and new social movements. Then, this paper discusses mainly whether the Internet can become a location for social movements, particularly for queer folks. I also explores following questions: How will the Internet influence the development of social movements? Why do queer movements do always choose the Internet as their location? Can the goals of these movements be realized through the Internet? To answer these questions, this paper analyzes the case of Taiwan's queer movement case to shed light on potential advantages stemming from the Internet use. Finally, this paper proposes a further question-the relationship among capital, habitus and queer movements.


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