  • 期刊


Grief Responses and Adjustment Process of the Bereaved Siblings in Female Adulthood




It is a significant period when a family losses a child. The parents who loss their child feel painful; meanwhile, the orther children in this family also feel strongly lost. Howerver, many researchers put their study focus on the pain of those parents who loss a child but neglect the feeling of the other children in the family and how they adjust themselves. This research used the qualitative method to interview seven female adults who lost their sibling and collected the retraceable information, According to the information this research collected, we made more understanding about the grief reaction of people who lost their sibling and those factors related to how they adjusted their bereavement. The following is the result of this research.1.The grief reaction of those adults who lost their sibling has four different dimensions. They are emotional, cognitive, biological, and behavioral dimensions. 2.There are the positive and negiative ways for people to cope with the loss of their sibling. People who use the positive way accept the truth of their loss and adjust themselves well. However, people who use the negative way usually deny the truth of their loss.3.The factors related to how people adjust themselves when they loss their sibling includes their relationship with their lost sibling, the level of their social support, the lost of their significant others, the smile of their lost sibling, howe the funeral is hold, the training of the helping volunteer, religion, and personal traits.4.The grief experience of those who suffer from the lose of their sibling influences their attitude about the life and death, the change of their personality, how they teach their child towards death, that they define their role again, that they live with guilt, and how they interact with their family.Based on the result of this research, the suggestions about the practical counseling work and the direction of future research are provided.




