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An investigated Study of Participating Behavior and Satisfaction Levels on Visitors of Kaohsiung Metropolitan Park


都會區由於人口集中、活動空間少,因此大部份民眾之休閒活動場所主要以公園為主,本研究針對前往高雄都會公園之使用者進行問卷調查,探討該公園之環境衛生、設施安全性及管理規劃上是否能滿足使用者的需求,並分析不同人口統計特徵、遊憩參與行為對其滿意度之影響及差異情形。本研究以前往高雄都會公園之使用者為研究對象,並採用問卷調查方式,共計有185份有效問卷。根據研究所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本T檢定、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費法事後比較分析、相關分析等統計方法,並運用SPSS10.0套裝軟體進行資料分析。 本研究結果顯示,除性別變項與遊憩參與行為與滿意度無顯著影響外,其餘人口統計變量皆有顯著影響。在遊憩參與行為上,除不同停留時間與不同同行者對滿意度無顯著影響外,其餘遊憩參與行為變數皆有顯著影響。在相關分析上呈現無論設施管理規劃與安全性構面或環境衛生管理構面皆與每週參與次數呈負顯著相關。


The purpose of this case study is to reveal the characteristics of the demographic variables participation, and to the participating behavior, the customer satisfaction of Kaohsiung Metropolitan Park (KMP) visitors. Firstly, it tries to disclose that the visitors' demographic variables do affect on their participating behavior, and the customer's satisfaction. Secondly, it investigates how much visitors' participation makes influence on participating behavior and customer satisfaction. Finally, it finds out the correlation between visitors' participating behavior and customer feedback regarding Kaohsiung Metropolitan Park. The study incorporates a quantitative approach by administrating a visitor survey. About 200 samples were polled from the park with the result of 185 valid questionnaires. Statistical software using for data analysis is SPSS 10.0 Windows edition. Analysis variables include frequent distribution, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheff posteriori comparison, and Pearson's correlation. The main findings from this survey is, 1.The KMP users in different ”gender” make no significant difference on the visitors' participating behavior and visitors' satisfaction, and other visitors' demographic variables make significant difference on their participating behavior, and the customer's satisfaction.2.Except the go with whom and the period of staying when they go to the park make no significant difference on the visitors satisfaction, and other visitors' participating behavior variables make significant difference on the customer's satisfaction.3. Upon Pearson's correlation analysis result, location, the study also shows the more frequently come to the KMP, the more negative correlations among the terms of location, facilities, environmental plan and safety and facilities, environmental sanity.
