  • 期刊


On the Necessity of Raising the Age of Criminal Responsibility in Hong Kong




In Hong Kong, children under the age of year 10 are exempted from criminal responsibility by law; those who are between 10 and under 14 are conditionally liable to criminal responsibility subject to the rebuttable presumption of doli incapax, which was originated from the common law tradition. To the children over 14 years old, they should bear the criminal responsibility. The first section of this paper overviews the juvenile law and justice system in Hong Kong. The second section examines international standards on the age of criminal responsibility. The third introduces the provisions relating to the age of criminal responsibility in Hong Kong. The fourth section discusses whether the age of criminal responsibility should be changed in the Hong Kong Chinese context. In the final section, the authors argue that it is necessary to raise the age of criminal responsibility in Hong Kong in order to better protect juveniles, and prevent them from becoming hard core criminals.


Fell, J. (2018). 全球數位化經濟下中國大陸對社群媒體與第二代互聯網的法律與政策 [master's thesis, Tamkang University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2018.00420
