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The Way of Doing Things: What Lapita Pottery Can Tell Us about the Stories of Austronesian Expansion



本文從幾個不同的Lapita遺址脈絡來探討Lapita陶器在西南大洋洲人群擴散史上所扮演的角色。本文將探究最早期出現典型Lapita陶器的巴布亞新幾內亞 Talepakemalai遺址,擴散到遠大洋洲之後的第一站(索羅門群島東南的Nanggu和Nenumbo遺址),及中期在萬納度Teouma遺址以及新喀里多尼亞Lapita 13A遺址所呈現出來的不同擴張模式。從各地不同的陶器生產與流傳模式,可以看出Lapita陶器本身的社會經濟意義在不同的情境下會隨之流轉變動。Lapita陶器很可能被來自不同背景的製陶者,當作是融入不同社群認同感的方法之一。


This paper examines the roles Lapita pottery might have played during the expansions of Austronesian-speaking populations from Island Southeast Asia into the Pacific. It is argued that the importance and the roles Lapita pottery had in the local communities, in each of these contexts, are quite different from one another, and should be represented as such. Judging from the different production scales and exchange and transfer patterns, the meanings of Lapita pottery also changed depending on the social and economic contexts it was situated in. It has been argued that Lapita pottery might have been employed as a materialized symbol by people coming from different genetic, ethnic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds, to show their intention to become part of the local community they had just moved into.
