  • 期刊


Analyzing Cultural Style and Reproducing Product Design-Using the Micro-Architecture as an Example


文化創意產業是結合眾多不同產業的發展模式,藉由政府政策的推動與民間之創意能量的結合,對經濟的轉型發展以及生活型態的改變具關鍵性之影響。文化創意產業自2002年以來即列為本國的國家重點發展計畫,並成為近幾年政府及民間極力發展的重要產業之一。許多國家均致力將文化創意與生活產品透過設計的力量進行創意的結合,開發具有功能性、美觀性以及文化元素內涵之產品,讓文化風格得以延續,並能提升產品之附加價值。本研究針對建築文化風格進行解析,以後現代主義的建築師Aldo Rossi的作品為例,分析其作品風格特徵與造形規則。Aldo Rossi是後現代主義初期的新理性主義代表設計師之一,其作品無論是建築物或是產品都有其強烈的個人特色,而這些特色都一再重複出現在不同的設計作品之中,而逐漸形成Aldo Rossi的設計語彙與風格型態。本研究藉由型態建構之方式歸納Aldo Rossi設計風格再現之設計流程,並加以驗證文化風格解析與型態建構的可行性與重新進行文化創意產品設計,再現設計師風格的可能性。


The cultural creativity industry combines numerous different industrial development models and affects the economic development and life cycle by means of the policies in the government and creative capacity in non-governmental circles. The cultural creativity industry has been listed as our country's national priority plan since 2002, and become of the most important industries the government and the private society develop vigorously in recent years. Many countries devote themselves to combining the cultural creativity with life products via design in order to develop creative products with functionality and artistic and culture elements, and to promote the attached value of life products. This research takes Aldo Rossi's works as an example and carries on the analysis in view of the cultural style about architecture to analyze the style characteristic and the shape rules.Aldo Rossi is one of the representative new- rationalism designers during the post-modernism period, and all the Aldo Rossi's works including buildings or products reveal intense individual characteristics. Furthermore, all of these characteristics repeatedly appear in different design works and they gradually form Aldo Rossi's design vocabulary and style. This research induces a design procedure about Aldo Rossi's design style by means of form construction method aiming to confirm the feasibility of cultural style analysis and form construction. Also, the study designs the cultural creative product with micro-architecture style to prolong the design style of Aldo Rossi and confirms the application of form construction to reproduce the designer style
