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A Study on the Flow Experience of the University Students Who Play Table Tennis-A Case Study of the Students at National Chung Hsing University


本研究旨在探討大學生參與桌球運動在流暢經驗上之差異情形。本研究以中興大學選修桌球課之大學生為受試對象,共273人。採用問卷調查做為資料蒐集方法,施以翻修後之『流暢狀態量表』(Flow State Scale, FSS)做為調查之研究工具,並將所測結果以描述統計、單一樣本t考驗及單因子變異數分析來進行統計處理。經研究結果顯示:在性別的差異上,男生對流暢經驗的感受顯著高於女生。在不同技術層級的差異上,進階組學生對流暢經驗的感受顯著高於基礎組學生。在不同參與程度的差異存上,課後有參與桌球運動學生對流暢經驗的感受顯著高於課後無參與者。在不同選修次數的差異方面,選修桌球課三次或三次以上的學生在「自成目標經驗」的流暢經驗感受較選修桌球課二次者高;選修桌球課三次或三次以上的學生在「明確的目標」的流暢感受亦顯現出高於選修一次者。


桌球課 流暢狀態


The purpose of this study was to investigate the university students' flow experience in playing table tennis. The subjects of this research were 273 students, who took the course of table tennis at National Chung Hsing University (NCHU). The ”Flow State Scale” (FSS) was adopted in the research to measure the subjects' flow experience. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent t-test and one-way ANOVA. Five results were found in this study: (1) the male students had higher flow state than the female students, (2) the students of the advanced level in table tennis skill had higher flow state than those of the basic level, (3) those students who played table tennis at their free time had higher flow state than those who did not, (4)those students who had taken the course of table tennis three times had higher flow state of ”Autotelic experience” than those who had taken the same course two times, (5) the students who had taken the course of table tennis three times or more were found to have higher flow state of ”Clear goal” than those students who had taken just once.


table tennis course flow state


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