  • 期刊


Wrestling between Ethnic Identity and Social Structure: A Sociological Analysis of Reviving Traditional Names among Taiwanese Indigenes


本文的主要目的在於以社會學的觀點,以原住民回復傳統姓名運動為案例,探究原住民族在追求原住民族認同時,所可能遭遇的社會結構限制以及其所呈現的社會學意義。而本文的結構安排以原住民傳統姓名與漢文化霸權遭遇的歷程為軸線,探究其從接觸同化到復振各階段所面臨的問題。具體內容除了簡要介紹原住民族傳統姓名文化的內涵與漢化的歷程外,我們更在當代原住民族認同復振的脈絡下,探究原住民族回復傳統姓名之現況、限制,以及其所呈現之社會學意義。最後,在維繫原住民族文化與認同的基本前提下,我們探究了回復傳統姓名的重要性與策略。我們認為,人們欲選擇何種姓名是其個人權利,沒有傳統姓名也不見得就沒有原住民族認同。不過,從族群認同理論觀之,我們認為愈明顯的族群邊界愈能維繫族群認同,而具有可與漢式姓名有效區別的傳統姓名即扮演維繫認同的作用。從1995 年原住民得以回復傳統姓名迄今,僅不到百分之一的人回復傳統姓名,這雖隱含著回復傳統姓名運動面臨了困境,更意味著原住民族認同出現了危機。透過社會學的分析,回復傳統姓名運動確實有其困難點,但其實大都能克服。因此,我們建議主政單位除了應主動協助民眾回復傳統姓名外,原住民族菁英也應該以身作則,以回復傳統姓名為己任,透過漣漪效應讓更多人願意回復傳統姓名。


While using the indigenous traditional names has been allowed by the law since 1995, only fewer than 1% of the total indigenous population have revived their traditional names. And most people, including indigenous political leaders, still use Han names as official names. Based on a sociological perspective, the main purpose of this paper is to explore and interpret the probable difficulties that Taiwanese indigenes encounter on the road of reviving their indigenous names. Following the historical timeline, this paper is organized on the basis of the encounter course between indigenous people and the Han people, from initial contact through (name) assimilation to reviving identity (traditional names). Lastly, under the premise of preserving indigenous culture and identity, we discuss the importance and strategies of reviving traditional names. We believe that people have the right to choose what kind of names they want, including Han names, but traditional names definitely have better effect in drawing ethnic boundary and preserving ethnic identity. According to theory of ethnic relations, the clearer the ethnic boundary is, the better can the ethnic identity be preserved. Therefore, we suggest that the government should proactively assist people to revive their traditional names. In addition, based on symbolic interaction theory, we also suggest that the aboriginal elites should lead to revive their traditional names.


行政院原住民族委員會。2009。〈98 年1 月全國各縣市已回復傳統姓名之原住民人口數統計〉(http://www.apc.gov.tw/main/docDetail/detail_TCA.jsp?isSearch=&docid=PA000000002833&cateID=A000297&linkSelf=161&linkRoot=4&linkParent=49&url=)(2010/8/4)。
