  • 期刊

承諾-信任模型理論(KMV Model)應用於銀行業關係行銷之研究

A Study on Application of Morgan and Hunt's KMV Model in Banking's Relationship Marketing


依據行政院主計處的初步統計,我國服務業佔GDP的比重,隨經濟水準的提升而有擴大的傾向,截至2001年爲止已達66.96%。由於服務業具有異質性、無形性、不可儲存性、不可分離性等四大特質,故需要一些特殊的管理工具和觀念來衡量其特質,而關係行銷被認爲是克服服務無形性的一種策略(Berry, 1983),並最適用於“信用”的服務,亦即這種服務是消費者即使在購買或使用後,也難以進行評價的(Zeithaml, 1981)。銀行是金融服務業的一種,隸屬於服務業的一環,經過審慎的觀察,發現銀行與顧客往來的交易中,莫不涉及「人」與「金錢」。而金錢又爲維持日常生活不可或缺之必需品,其地位既重要又敏感,要讓顧客願意在「金錢」方面,與銀行從事交易往來,勢必要有值得讓顧客信任的「人」,而這就會牽涉到關係行銷的範疇,因此,本研究覺得有必要針對銀行業做進一步的探究。再者,要與顧客建立良好的「關係」,需透過人員與顧客長期不斷的溝通與互動。雖然在現今的服務業組織架構中,多數強調「倒金字塔形」的結構,以突顯第一線人員的重要性,因爲第一線的工作人員是與顧客接觸的第一道關卡。但不容否認的是,在各種產業的組織中,中、高階主管的地位,仍存有關鍵性的影響力。因爲一方面中、高階主管的主要任務乃爲引領一個組織的文化,有了中、高階主管的帶動,第一線人員才有執行的方向;另一方面,中、高階主管所接觸的客戶與生意,其價值通常高於第一線人員所接觸的客戶與生意,相較之下,中、高階主管比較能爲組織帶來可觀的利潤,故本研究選擇影響力比較深遠的中、高階主管爲研究對象。爲了研究關係行銷在銀行業的應用情形,本研究以Morgan and Hunt (1994)所提出的承諾-信任理論模型(Key Mediating Variables, KMV)爲基礎,將關係承諾和信任二變數作爲關鍵變數,並在原本的「關係利益」、「關係終止成本」、「共享價值觀」、「溝通」、「投機行爲」五項前置變數之外,在參考相關文獻後,加入對銀行中、高階主管亦是非常重要的「德行」與「專業能力」二變數,試圖探討這七項前置變數對「默許」、「離去意願」、「合作」、「功能性衝突」、「不確定性」五結果變數的影響。綜合諸項分析的結果,我們可以得到的研究結果如下:一、銀行業實行關係行銷之現象普遍存在。二、KMV模型適用於銀行業的觀念是無庸置疑的,而且銀行業爲能獲取顧客更多的信任與承諾,更應加強銀行行員在「專業能力」與「德行」方面的訓練與培養。三、信任是關係行銷的核心因素。四、關係承諾能增進銀行業者與顧客彼此間的默許與合作關係。


Based on the initial statistics of Directorate General Budget, Accounting and Statistics Executive Yuan, the proportion of service to GDP has a trend of expanding with the rise in economic level, which has reached 66.96% till 2001. Service industry has four characters, intangibility, inseparability, variability, and perishability, so we need some special tools and concepts to measure its characters. Relationship marketing is recommended as the strategy to overcome service intangibility (Berry, 1983), and may be appropriate for ”credence” services, that is, services that are difficult for customers to evaluate even after purchases and use (Zeithaml, 1981). Banking is one kind of financial services, so it belongs to the service industry. After a careful observation, we find all transactions between banks and customers are associated with ”people” and ”money”. Money is a necessity in the daily life, and its position is not only important but also sensitive. A bank must have ”people” worthy to trust by customers, and then customers would be willing to trade their ”money” with banks. This is related to relationship marketing. Therefore, we think it is necessary to explore banking further. Moreover, in order to build a good ”relationship” with customers, a seller needs to keep communicating and interacting with his customers in the long-term. Although most corporations in service industry put emphasis on ”Upside-down Pyramid”, stressing the importance of front-line workers, the front-line worker is the first person to touch customers. There is no denying that the positions of middle and top executives in every organization still have a critical effect. Middle and top executives' main task is to lead an organization's culture, and with their leading, the front-line workers know the direction to implement; on the other hand, the value of customers and businesses contacted by middle and top executives is higher than that contacted by the first line workers. Middle and top executives can bring considerable benefits to organizations by comparison. Therefore, we select middle and top executives as subjects. In order to research the application of relationship marketing in banking, the study is based on Morgan & Hunt's (1994) Key Mediating Variables Model, uses ”relationship commitment” and ”trust” as key mediating variables, and increases two important variables, ”expertise” and ”benevolence”, in addition to these five original precursors, ”relationship termination costs”, ”relationship benefits”, ”shared values”, ”communication”, ”opportunistic behavior”. We are trying to explore the effect of these seven precursors on the five outcomes, ”acquiescence”, ”propensity to leave”, ”cooperation”, ”functional conflict”, and ”decision-making uncertainty”. According to these analysis results, we can obtain the study results below: 1. From the research population, we can infer that banking indeed practices relationship marketing. 2. The concept of KMV Model suits banking, and banks should strengthen assistants' ”expertise” and ”benevolence” to obtain more customers' trust and commitment. 3. Trust is the core factor of relationship marketing. 4. Relationship commitment can increase acquiescence and cooperation between bankers and customers.


commitment-trust KMV relationship marketing banking


Berry, L. L.,L. L. Berry (eds.),G. L. Shostack (eds.),G. D. Upah, (eds.)(1983).Relationship Marketing, in Emerging Perspectives on Services Marketing.Chicago:American Marketing Association.


