  • 期刊


Design and Implementation for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network


無線感測網路是由數個感測器組成,透過無線傳輸將感測器取得的值回傳至base station端作處理(如平均值、最大值)。若能在無線感測網路中加入資料聚集方法,將可減少資料的傳輸量以及電力的損耗。本文將介紹資料聚集的設計概念,並實作於Linux-based ZigBee平台,最後對有無資料聚集的系統間作資料量的傳輸比較,並探討實作中遇到的問題。


A wireless sensor network (WSN) is made up of a number of sensor nodes. All sensor readings are sent to the base station in air, and then the base station computes the aggregates, such as the average or the maximum. In the data aggregation system, the aggregates are computed in WSN whenever possible. This approach can reduce the number of message transmissions and power consumption. In this paper, we will present the design of data aggregation system, implement it on a Linux-based ZigBee platform, compare the number of message transmissions between data aggregation and non-data aggregation systems, and finally discuss the difficulty in this implementation.
