  • 期刊


Bandwidth Optimized Hardware Design for Motion Compensation Memory Access


本文提出一個最佳化的記憶體資料排列架構,能夠有效地減少記憶體的存取。根據演算法的運算結果,此架構可以減少AMBA AHB發出的需求訊號次數,以每個8×8的運算區塊而言,所減少的需求次數可以由10次減低至8次。與一般常見的傳統架構相比較之下,本文所提出的架構,在外部記憶體的存取次數的減少率而言,減少率分別約為19.8%(單位是每個8×8的運算區塊,而AMBAAHB的讀取延遲時間為20個時脈週期),和11.7%(單位是每個16×16的運算區塊,而AMBA AHB的讀取延遲時間為20個時脈週期)。在本文中,亦有提出讀取延遲時間與節省記憶體頻寬的關係比較表,結果顯示。當AMBA AHB所需的讀取延遲時間越高,則本文所提出的架構跟一般傳統常見的架構比較下,可以節省更多的記憶體頻寬。


A novel optimization strategy to efficiently reduce memory access data cycles is proposed, and also evaluated in an H.264/AVC design. The proposed strategy reduces the AMBA AHB requests from 10 to 8 times for each 8×8 block, by a sequential order memory allocation scheme. Compared to the traditional schemes, the proposed scheme can reduce the cycles for external memory access up to 19.8% (for each 8×8 block, AMBA AHB read latency is 20 cycles), and 11.7% (for each 16×16 block under the same latency). The relationship between latency and bandwidth saving is also provided. As a result, when the AMBA AHB latency is getting higher, the proposed scheme could save much more bandwidth.
