  • 期刊


Initial Exploration on Dunhuang Seasonal Festivity Poetry


中國自先秦時代便開始歌詠節令,《詩經.鄭風.溱洧》便有描寫民間上巳節青年男女在溱、洧兩水歡聚的畫面,節令民俗活動為詩歌創作提供豐富的養分, 節令詩歌也以文學的形式保存民俗圖象與文化意涵。本文以敦煌詩集殘卷中節令詩為研究範圍,分別就內容與特色加以論述,以期抉發出其內涵與價值。然文本大多為中原文士之作品,表現重點為作者主觀情感,可見敦煌地區文人學士對節令詩的認知程度、閱讀範圍和欣賞興趣,仍近於傳統文人節令詩。同時保存在書儀中的敦煌民俗元素,卻很少以詩歌的形式記載下來。由此反映詩歌體裁在當時傾向教化實用,敦煌本土詩人猶未能發展出主觀自覺的創作意識,未能以詩作界定其存在價值,近於中原地區的文人階層尚未出現。


節令 敦煌詩歌 節氣


Since the pre-qin times in China, people started to practice the singing of seasonal poetry. Within ”the book of songs. zheng feng. qin wei river”, it had descriptions and pictorial images that, among the civilians while celebrating Shun-Yi festival, the youth of both male and female got together at qin and wei rivers and celebrated. Seasonal and folklore activities provide rich nutrients to the creation of poetry. Seasonal festivity poetries are also retained in the literary forms containing both the folklore images as well as cultural meanings.This thesis adopted the seasonal festivity poetries from the fragments of Dunhuang poetries as the scope of this research. And this thesis also discussed the contents as well as the characteristics with the expectation to unearthing its inner meanings and values. Nonetheless, within the texts, there were mostly artworks from scribes originated from the central plain region, and their focal points mainly rested at the author's subjective emotions. From these, we became to be aware of the cognitive levels, the scope of reading and the appreciation and interest for the literati at Dunhuang area as opposed to the seasonal festivity poetries; which were rather close to the seasonal festivity poetries of traditional scribes. In the mean time, we found that it managed to retain the folklore elements of Dunhuang within the ritual of the book, but rarely record in the form of poetry. This reflects the poetry format tended to be leaning toward the side of teaching and practicality. The indigenous poets at Dunhung were not able to develop the creation awareness with subjective consciousness, which meant that they could not use poetry as the means to define the existential values and these had not occurred at the scribes' level of central plain region.


Seasonal Dunhuang poetry solar terms

