  • 期刊


The Personal Background and Administrative Focuses of County Magistrates in Taichung County, 1951-1989




臺中縣 縣長 個人背景 施政重心


Objective - County magistrate has profound influence on the county development as he/she holds the administrative authority. This study attempted to explore the influences of county magistrate's personal background on the focus of county affairs of Taichung County between 1951 and 1989.Methods - The backgrounds of the county magistrate were obtained from the published interviews and previous records, and information of the county development was retrieved from county official documents.Results - County magistrate Lin (1^st, 3^rd and 5^th), who was a musician before being in the position, put more efforts in culture and social development during his terms. County magistrate Chen (2^nd) focused on medical development as he was also a physician. County magistrate Ho (4^th) put more resources in education and administrative reform since he used to be a school teacher and work as the chair of the local chapter of KMT. County magistrate Wang (6^th), used to reside near the seashore area, contributed a lot to rebuild Taichung Harbor. He also focused on agricultural production and automation as he was the head of local farmers union. County magistrate Chen (7^th and 8^th), similar to County magistrate Ho, did much efforts in education and administrative reform as he was also a teacher and got full support from President Chang. County magistrate Chen (9^th and 10^th), put more resources in local Hakka community as he was the first Hakka County magistrate, did much efforts in education and culture as he was also a teacher and established the government systems as he worked in Ministry of Examination and Research, Development and Evaluation Commission.Conclusions - The focuses of the county development are closely related to the background of the county magistrate. These focuses had a great impact of the county overall development. Specifically, County magistrate Ho and Chen (7^th,8^th, 9^th and 10^th) have built a good foundation on education, while County magistrate Wang and Chen (7^th and 8^th) on agriculture.


