  • 期刊


Youth Unemployment and Its Preventive Policy in Taiwan-Lessons from EU Employment Policy


近年來,台灣青少年人口失業問題,隨著整體失業率上升,而漸趨嚴重;失業人數有逐年增加的趨勢。本文從經濟成本效益、社會排除、社會投資等三個觀點論述青少年失業問題的重要性,接著採取文獻與次級資料的分析,探討歐盟國家消除青少年失業問題的就業政策,引為我國的借鏡。本文第三與第四部份分析台灣青少年失業問題的概要,以及當前政府所採取促進青少年就業的政策與措施。本文認為:從歐盟國家青少年失業問題的發展,可以預見未來我國青少年失業問題會呈現複雜和多元的現象,政府和社會應加以重視,並預為籌謀。為有效促進青少年的就業,減少青少年失業的家庭與社會負擔,並減少造成社會排除的現象。參考歐盟就業政策的經驗,本文提出下列幾點對策建議:1.積極推動「雙軌制」(dual systems),擴大至一般職業學校、技術學院或科技大學,鼓勵在校學生參與就學期間的職業訓練,並由政府提供職訓津貼,縮短就業等待期,並能提供企業所需的中層勞動力。2.採取「工作福利」(workfare)的政策,由政府提供促進青少年就業的就業津貼或職業訓練津貼,並由企業負責提供就業機會或職業訓練,強化工作福利效果。3.政府教育機關和職業訓練機構應加強青少年職業倫理與服務品質的教育和培育,以提昇就業品質,降低中途轉業或失業的問題。4.鼓勵青少年接受職業訓練,其所需經費可列為家庭所得支出扣減額。


Youth unemployment in Taiwan has, in recent years, become a serious social problem with the rise of its unemployment rate. Youth unemployment can be studied from three perspectives: social costs, social exclusion, and social investment. This paper attempts to examine the youth unemployment in Taiwan with reference to these three perspectives.The data sources of his paper have drawn from documents and secondary statistical data. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part discusses what perspectives are employed in the study of youth unemployment in EU countries. The second part briefly describes experiences and lessons from EU countries in reducing youth unemployment since the late 20th century. The third part deals with youth unemployment in Taiwan and its current government policy. The final part of this paper is then to put forth several policy proposals for the government.From the lessons of EU countries in dealing with youth unemployment, the youth unemployment in Taiwan will become as diversified and complicated as EU countries in the near future. In order to facilitate youth employment, reduce family economic burden from youth unemployment, and avoid social exclusion to the youth unemployed, this paper then concludes with the following policy proposals.1. To promote dual systems to colleges and technical universitiesThe government shall provide incentive programs to students in colleges and technical universities to receive one-year intern occupational training during college or university study. The government shall provide intern training allowance. Through which, the waiting time for youth employment can be reduced. And college graduates can supply the demand for middle-level labor force.2. To facilitate workfare policyThe government shall provide employment allowance or occupational training allowance for the youth unemployed with the collaboration of enterprise supports. The enterprises provide opportunity of employment or occupational training for the youth unemployed.3. To strengthen work ethics and service quality for the youthColleges and universities shall give the importance of work ethics and service quality to students through courses and training. Through which, the youth can raise their service quality in employment, and avoid unemployment.4. To include occupational training cost as income tax deduction itemThe government shall encourage the youth to receive occupational training. The costs of occupational training shall be deducted from family income tax.


施俊鈞(2015)。奏出新生命的樂章 雙失青少年參與少年On Ligh培訓方案生涯發展經驗之研究〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2015.00069
