  • 期刊


The Competency Standard of TTQS Administrative Assistant


在知識經濟時代中,各國政府無不將提升國家整體人力資本,作為施政的重要目標。我國行政院勞委會自2006年起,推動「訓練品質評核系統」(Taiwan TrainQuali System,簡稱為TTQS),作為我國辦理企業教育訓練的重要參考架構。TTQS每年提供教育訓練、輔導及評核等三項服務,其中的輔導及評核服務,對企業有相當直接的影響。在輔導與評核服務的過程中,最常被忽略的一個重要角色,就是擔任輔導助理與評核助理的TTQS行政助理。TTQS行政助理負責行前各項資料表單的準備、聯繫機構與輔導顧問或評核委員、進行跟訪、回收各項文件資料、進行記錄與上傳資料等重要事務性工作,並扮演重要的溝通協調角色;如果助理的工作出了狀況,輕則延誤作業流程,重則影響企業機構、輔導顧問、評核委員、承辦單位等之間的關係。本研究主要目的是透過文件分析與質化訪談的資料蒐集與分析,搭配後續進行的量化問卷調查,探討TTQS行政助理的職能內涵與甄選標準。所得結論如下:一、行政助理的職能內涵:(一)知識部分:以TTQS相關知識為主要的職能內涵,管理相關知識則為次要的職能;(二)技能部分:包括應用3C工具,掌控整個流程的進行,適當地進行開場、流程時間控制、結束等程序;(三)態度方面:必須對人有禮貌,懂得應對進退;懂得虛心學習,認真用心;懂得尊重他人,善於傾聽。態度方面的職能是所有職能中最重要的;(四)個人特質方面:細心、和藹可親、謙遜、高度的抗壓性、反應快、觀察力敏銳、穩重、思慮清晰;(五)動機方面:增廣見聞、增加經驗、建立人脈等三項。二、TTQS行政助理的甄選標準:(一)在甄選管道方面,建議仍以現有的輔導顧問、評核委員或行政助理介紹為主,若為避免人力不足,可提早進行甄選作業;(二)在基本條件方面,建議將「年齡為21歲以上」這個條件做為參考,併同其他甄選條件一併考量,但不要將年齡作為唯一決定的門檻;(三)知識、技能與態度方面,參考上述的職能標準,並以實務操作測試及模擬會議方式進行甄選。


In the knowledge-based economy era, elevating the whole national human resource capital is one of the most important goals for every government. TTQS (Taiwan TrainQuali System) is an important training and development (T&D) structure which developed and supported by Taiwan government since 2006. The government provides 3 kinds of service which include TTQS training, consultation and evaluation. The administrative assistant is an important but often be omitted role in the process of TTQS consultant service and evaluation service. He (or she) plays the role as a communication bridge and the host of whole process. If the assistant has trouble in the process, it will cause the postpone of the process and influence the relationship among company, consultant (or evaluator) and government. The purposes of this research are to construct the competency model and explore the recruit standard for TTQS administrative assistant by qualitative interview and quantitative survey. The conclusions are as below. 1. The competency content: (1) Knowledge: TTQS related information is the mainly knowledge and knowledge of management is the least important. (2) Skill: the capability of using 3C tools to accomplish mission and dominating the opening of consultation or evaluation. (3) Attitude: which includes polite, learning modestly, respecting others and listening attentively and it is the most important content. (4) Personal trait: which includes pressure resistant, clear thinking, penetrative observation, quick response, attentive, kind, modest and calm. (5) Motives: which include increasing knowledge, experience and interpersonal relationship. 2. The recruit standards: (1) The recruit channel: collect the candidates list from consultants, evaluators and assistants and do it as early as possible. (2) The basic condition: take the ”beyond 21 years old” as a reference, but do not take it as a decisive condition. (3) KSA: take the content as above-mentioned and use practical operative test and simulated meeting as recruit method.


