  • 期刊


Examining the Editions and Audiovisuals of "Yuewei Cottage Notes" Reserved at National Central Library in Taiwan




”Yuewei Cottage Notes” is a representative novel in Qing Dynasty, which involves stories of ghosts and monsters, delivering what the authors meant to express. From Sheng Shiyan's ”Preface”, ”Er Xiansheng shi shu, ze lizao lüjuan, jiuerbuyan, zujian huashibutong zhi mingyan yi. Gu fankezhe, ewu shiduo, qie you wang wei biaomu, ru mingren zhi ke Lengzhaiyiehua zhe, duzhe bing yan,” can we know that this novel, with the high frequency printings, brought a lot of deep impact. When studying the editions of ”Yuewei Cottage Notes”, what should a researcher start with? In our view, one can cast the literature by investigating the masterpieces and their authors, probing into the editions reserved at National Central Library in Taiwan, examining the ancient bibliography, and reviewing the existing research results. Grounded on the historiography, one can avoid distorted conclusions.Since the language used in Classical novels is difficult for modern people, it is not easy for students to read. In addition, learning in the present day tends to combine with multimedia. Therefore, we attempt to combine classical literature with modern technology. To be more specific, in order to raise students' interests, the romantic themes in ”Yuewei Cottage Notes” will be introduced by adopting 2D animation made via Flash. . By adding the creative method, we hope the classical literature can be appreciated not only in texts but also with modern technology. Provided that the combination between classical literature and modern technology is workable, this new method will probably lead to a new pedagogical perspective.This study aims to select the best editions of ”Yuewei Cottage Notes” by examining the ancient bibliography and the editions reserved at National Central Library in Taiwan as well as to provide the selected editions for readers and researchers to appreciate, emphasizing the importance of the quality of editions. Additionally, we tend to seek for the possibility of combining the classical novels with the digital teaching materials. With the innovative pedagogical approach, we expect that students are able to appreciate the author's intention as well as have a clear picture of Confucian etiquette, Song morality and female love affairs.


清.俞鴻漸,《印雪軒隨筆》(上海:上海掃葉山房石印本,1929 年)。
清.紀昀,《分類廣註閱微草堂筆記》(上海:上海世界書局,1932 年)
