  • 期刊


Case Study on HBL Coaches' Leadership Style-Coach Huang Wan Long in Song Shan Senior High School




領導 HBL


A coach, whose leadership style plays a vital role in the team's success and performances, is the catalyst of the group. In March 2011, Coach Huang Wan Long led his Song Shan Senior High School basketball team to its third national title, which made history by being the first team to win the national championship three years in a row in the HBL history. There's no doubt that a lot of the credits go to Coach Huang. The purpose of this study is to investigate Coach Huang Wan Long's coaching career, his leadership experiences and how that built up his team style. The research methods employed here are case study, documentation study and interviews. Then, the materials collected are being examined, analyzed and deduced. The research shows Huang Wan Long's coaching career, his leadership experiences and how that built up his team style, hoping to expose grass root coaches to different leadership styles. The research explores the leadership theory and how that has changed over time, emphasizing a specific part in each period. And these four theories all applies to coach Huang Wan Long. Therefore leadership theory is a changing integrated organism. We can't explain by single theory.


Leadership HBL
