  • 期刊


A Demonstration of the Application of Calcium Cyanamide for Rice


(1)本示範試驗於民國39年第二期作開始,示範田遍設于全省西部,計13縣31 鄉鎮267農戶。 (2)示範田之設計 1.處理項目 (a)氰氮化鈣施用區 氮60公斤/公頃(1小區施用氰氮化鈣3公斤十本地肥料)。 (b)硫酸錏對照區 氮60公斤/公頃(1小區施用硫酸錏3公斤+本地肥料)。 (c)本地肥料區 (施用自給肥料)。 2.小區面積爲一公畝(10m×10m)計2重複。 3.水稻品種選取各地栽培最普遍之品種。 4.栽培與管理,插秧方法採取正條密植,其他管理均照一般法行之。 (3)示範試驗之結果 1.水稻之生育狀況第一次在最高分葉期調查其結果,就全省平均數均相差無幾;第二次在收穫前調查其結果,亦與第一次甚相一致。 2.水稻之收量,就全省總平均數而言,若以硫酸錏區之谷實與藁稈收量各作爲100,則氰氮化鈣區之谷實與藁稈收量各爲98.4與97.6,其差異僅1.5~2.5%左右,誠屬微少。 3.由上示範試驗結果,顯示氰氮化鈣若充爲水稻田之基肥,施用得法,誠可以之代用硫酸錏。 (4)以上係第一次示範試驗之結果,但若氰氮化鈣每年赓賣連用,對于土壤及作物之影響,尚待來日之袖于突。




In Taiwan, calcium cyanamide (CaCN2) is the only one native produced nitrogenous chemical fertilizer. The local farmers are quite familiar with the use of ammonium sulfate on different crops, especially on rice, but not with calcium cyanamide. The purpose of this project is to show the farmers the effectiveness of using calcium cyanamide for increasing production of rice plant, so that the farmers may use more cyanamide in the near future. For the purpose, the demonstration of the application of calcium cyanamide on rice is designed as follows: 1. Six to seven villages in each prefecture are selected as demonstration centers and in each village, six to ten demonstrations are conducted. A total of 276 demonstrations are conducted and accomplished throughout the 31 villages scattered in thirteen prefectures. 2. Item of treatments are (a) local manure (compost or stable manure) plus 3 kg. of ammonium sulfate, (b) local manure plus 3 kg. of Calcium cyanamide, and (c) local manure only. Each demonstration consists of six plots in two replicates. The area of each plot is 0.01 ha. that is 10 m.×10 m. 3. Calcium cyanamide was applied to the field ten days before transplantation of rice seedling. Local variety of rice plant is selected for planting in each plot receiving pifferent treatments. Other management of the rice plant during cultivation was just the same as farmer's ordinary practice. This demonstration is carried out in the second crop in 1950 and ended at the end of the same year. Its results may be outlined as follows: Judging from the average height in centimeter and tillering in number of the rice plant surveyed at 50 days after transplantation and the day before harvest, respectively. There is distinct variation among the treatments mentioned above, throughout all the demonstration centers. With average yield of rice plant among the 276 demonstrations and taking the average yield of rice grain and straw in the plot receiving the treatment of ammonium sulfate as 100, the average yield of the rice and straw in the plot receiving the treatment of calcium cyanamide is 98.4 and 97.6 respectively. That is only about 1.5 per cent less for rice grain and 2.4% less for straw due to the application of calcium cyanamide. From the above fact we may obtain a conclusion that calcium cyanamide can be used as basic dressing and in place of ammonium sulfate, as the variation between the effect of calcium cyanamide and ammonium sulfate on the yield of rice plant is so little and may be neglected.


