  • 期刊

Rapid Bioassay of Pesticide Residues (RBPR) on Fruits and Vegetables



臺灣省農業試驗所自民國48年推行蔬菜農藥殘毒生物檢驗以來,因農藥種類激增,蔬菜產銷流程加速且範圍擴大,故再次改進殘毒檢驗技術,期能增加檢驗農藥之種類,減少檢驗過程所需時間以及消除誤判之可能性。本項研究已完成對乙醯膽碱酯酶(Acetylcholinesterase)造成抑制之有機磷劑、氨基甲酸鹽類及混合劑之適用農藥種類及敏感度之測試,內含18種蔬菜上常用及4種非蔬菜使用殺蟲劑。殺菌劑之檢驗主要系針對危險性最高之有機硫磺類優先進行,並以對殺菌劑極敏感之Bacillus屬細菌為檢定菌,最後選定對哺乳類動物安全性極高之Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki為檢定用標準菌,以維護檢驗人員及環境之安全。12種受測之蔬菜用殺菌劑檢測之敏感度略高於法定容許範圍,故經檢出之樣品無誤判之虞。 此二項檢驗技術經整合其流程後,可在3小時之內一併完成50件蔬菜樣品之整體檢測,合乎一般市場檢驗室抽驗之要求,如用於早期快速預檢,可以過濾出含毒較高之樣品,以便通知農民延期採收,將已採收之蔬菜再清洗或送請衛生單位依法定檢驗過程查明殘毒之種類及其含量,以為取締之依據。 上述殺菌劑之檢驗不適用於樣品含有抑制蘇力菌生長之物質,但部份樣品之抑菌物質或性狀可經由修改檢驗技術而克服。例如草莓所含之果酸會抑制蘇力菌之生長,可經由調整緩衝液之強度,修正pH值,使適合檢定菌之生長;而草莓所含花青素,由於在酸性情況下會自動呈現紅色,干擾檢驗結果,因此須將呈色用之酸性溶液改為甲醇,即可進行正常之檢驗。


A RBPR (Rapid Bioassay for Pesticide Residues) method is developed by TARI in integrating the AChE test and B.t. test to screen the residues of acetylcholinesterase-inhibiting (neurotoxic) insecticides, EBDC's (ethylene bisdithiocarbamates, the ETU-producing chemicals) and other B.t. inhibiting fungicides on fruits and vegetables. The RBPR (1) can complete the examination of a batch of 50 vegetable samples within 3 hrs or even faster, (2) provides toxicological indication on plants sample with residue of organophosphates, carbamates, EBDC's and other detectable fungicides, and (3) is extremely economic and the material costs only Ca. N.T.$ 4.0 (=U.S.$ 0.15) per test. The sensitivities of RBPR to 20 organophosphorus compounds, 2 carbamates and 12 fungicides were examined, and a RBPR working flow chart was provided. This method is fast enough to provide information for market inspector to detect fruit and vegetable shipment with toxic response and hold from trading for further chemical analysis. The RBPR has been adopted by farmer associations, municipal markets and public health institutions in Taiwan for various functions i.e., farmer's education, preharvest inspection, market management and pesticide residues monitoring to reduce the toxic vegetable to be marketed. The RBPR can fill up informative and operational gaps between the lengthy chemical analysis of residues and the fast moving vegetable trading.


Ho, T. H. (2008). 快速篩選有機磷農藥之光學生物感測器應用 [master's thesis, National Tsing Hua University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-2002201314471901
