  • 期刊


Using Image Processing Technique to Measure Spray Coverage




This study used an image processing method to analyze spray depositions on water-sensitive paper. A scanner was used to transfer the image deposited on water-sensitive paper in this study. To measure the efficiency of the spray machine, water-sensitive paper analysis is the simplest method. This study used water sensitive paper to collect the spray depositions arid a scanner to digitize the spray depositions into image information. Image processing technologies were then applied to analyze the depositions, and thresholding was used to segment the object from the background. Labeling scheme was used to count the number of droplets. Using image processing we can determine droplet size distribution, coverage density, and the percentage of the coverage. The results of this study revealed the feasibility in using image processing algorithms to extract deposit features and measure the target area covered by the deposits. The percent area covered as measured by image analysis decreased as spray height or spray speed increased or hydraulic pressure decreased. The advantages of image processing techniques applied to analyze spray deposition are increasing the speed of analysis and reducing the labor involved. In addition, image processing methods can describe the spray deposition and quantify feature terms.


Image processing Spray coverage
