  • 期刊


The Principles of [Presenting] Human Realm Buddhism in Architectural Sapce




The Buddhist religion had been pulled towards the ghost-loral, deifying, theistic, and sorcerous orientations, which lead to the deformity and decay of Buddhism. To remedy these corruptive trends, two highly esteemed monks of the contemporary time,Venerable Master Taixu and Venerable Master Yinshun, realigned the Buddhist faith back to the teaching of the Buddha and the Triple Basket of Buddhist Canon; they established ”Human Realm Buddhism”-a teaching that is in accord with the Buddhist ideals and fit for the karmic conditions of the modern population. They teased out the following principles: human realm is the best environment for the Buddhist practice; the human form is the rarest and most precious form of being for Buddhist practitioners; through the practice of bodhisattva path, humans are to attain the Buddhahood in the human realm; the space for the practice of ”Human Realm Buddhism” is a space that centers around human; monastic and lay Buddhists should organize themselves and practice the Buddha Dharma together to build a pure-land in the human realm. Based on the principles of ”Human Realm Buddhism”, after exploring for more than thirty years, people from the Buddhist circles and architecture communities in Taiwan have unveiled many aesthetic presentations of ”Human Realm Buddhism” in architectural space and written a new chapter in the history of Buddhist architecture. The ”Architecture of Human Realm Buddhism” has become a new and important subject in the study of contemporary Buddhist architecture.


太虛大師《人生佛教開題》,《海潮音》刊26 卷第一期
太虛大師《即人成佛的真現實論》第459 頁,《太虛大師全書》論藏:支論(三),臺北善導寺佛經流通處


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