  • 期刊


The Formation of "Devadatta Chapter of The Lotus Sutra": A Dialogue with Gadamer's Hermeneutics




This article aim to discuss researching method of Buddhist scriptures, and dialogue with the methodology of Gadamer's hermeneutics. There is always a dispute about Devadatta chaper was formed as the same time as other primary chapters of The Lotus Sutra, or later than other chapters? In all extant texts of The Lotus Sutra, only the 28 chapters Chinese translation has an individual Devatta chapter. The 28 chapters Chinese translation was named translated by Kumārajīva, in fact, Kumārajīva's original translation was only 27 chapters, and excluded individual Devatta chapter. According to the earliest Chinese translation and three extant Sanskrit manuscripts, they had already included the part of Devadatta which attached to the end of The Treasure Tower chapter. However, the chapter of Devadatta was translated and added by Paramārtha, there are 28 chapters altogether.Base on The One Vehicle theory, to resolve the question of icchantika and female obtaining deliverances is the central thought of The Lotus Sutra, and it positively the main subject of Devadatta chapter. Only if all beings are contained to be saved from sufferings with non-discriminating, and we can say it answer to the sameness of truth. Without Devadatta, The Loutus Sutra would lose the core of thought.


西晉.竺法護譯,《正法華經》,大正藏第9 冊。
姚秦.鳩摩羅什譯,《妙法蓮華經》,大正藏第9 冊。
隋.闍那崛多並笈多譯,《添品妙法蓮華經》,大正藏第9 冊。
姚秦.鳩摩羅什譯,《佛說阿彌陀經》,大正藏第12 冊。
東晉.佛陀跋陀羅共法顯譯,《摩訶僧祇律》,大正藏第22 冊。
