  • 期刊


A Cosmopoeia of Zhõu-Yì


縱觀近三千年易學史,始終不明白後學者為什麼一定要像漢代學者一樣,將「爻位」與「爻變」套上簡陋的排列組合框架,匆匆以線性的時問意象導向狹隘宇宙史詩之旅。當世界頂尖天文物理學家都說:「我們的生存方式決定了我們的宇宙具有何等樣態。」不能不令人介懷:「我們對於自身所處的世界,是否作出了正確的結論?」 本文首先確立修辭學取代形上學的哲學轉向,其次將「爻實體」的意象轉變為「爻事件」,然後以原子式的時空事件演繹新的「易序」。大海浮漚或許可以比擬《周易》空間史詩隱涵的蒙太奇手法,但引進量子力學的世界觀可以豁開我們想像力桔竭的脆薄腦殼。 本文充滿數學與量子物理學術語與意象的空間史詩,並不企圖建立新的物質世界秩序,那是天文物理學家的任務。其實《周易》的「爻位」與「爻變」一直給予我們遼闊的詮釋與想像的餘裕,本文只是為了未來的宇宙行吟詩人,聚集了新的意象類型,提點新的隱喻學,期望開啓理解《周易》的新途逕。


A cosmopoeia of Zhõu-Yì is a making of cosmos by Zhõu-Yì. The poiêtiké is the proper term used by Aristotle for the productive or applied science. The poietike techne par excellence is poetics, to which Aristotle devoted an entire treatise, which is only partially preserved. The systems of meaning and value that make figures possible also produce our way of looking at the world. There is no natural connection between the word and the idea but an agreement among speakers, so language produces the set of meanings by which we shape reality. A cosmopoeia of Zhõu-Yì produces the set of meanings by which we shape reality. Humanity's deepest desire for knowledge justification enough for our continuing quest. And our goal is nothing less than a complete description of the universe we live in. A cosmopoeia of Zhõu-Yì is an example of the application of what is known as the anthropic principle, which can be paraphrased as ”We see the universe the way it is because we exist.” A cosmopoeia of Zhõu-Yì is an example of the application of what is known as the anthropic principle. All cosmology must start with some assumptions as to ultimate analysis of the facts with which it deal. These assumptions are justified partly by their adherence to the types of occurrence (卦) of which we are directly conscious, and partly by their success in representing the observed facts (諸爻) with a certain generality, devoid of ad hoc suppositions. The cosmopoeia of Zhõu-Yì of the vibration of primates (爻), is merely given as an example of the sort possibilities which the cosmopoeia leaves open for cosmology. The point is that it adds the possibilities of poetic deformation to that of mere locomotion. Light waves form one great example of poetic deformation.

