  • 期刊


The Division of the American Diplomats' Attitude toward the Sino-Japanese War Prior to the Pearl Harbor Attack


抗戰前期,美國涉華外交官對於中國之被侵略,大多只持同情的態度,殊少積極援助之主張,甚至有「日本缺乏資源,中國何妨讓出一些」之主張。直至一九三八年底,日本發表「建設東亞新秩序」宣言,美國國務院纔有所覺悟,逐漸走向限制日本擴張的路線。此一主張是政治顧問洪恩貝克及駐華大使詹森的共同主張。持另一截然不同立場的是駐日大使格魯,他認為美國對華政策應基於二個原則:一為維護美國在遠東的合法利權;一為以同情的、合作的及幫助的態度對待日本。他認為日本解決過剩人口之道,是領土及工業的擴張,由此造成別國在華利權的損失,是類似昔日美國「明顯命運」的主張。 由於日本的擴張深及南越,復因基於對待中國人民太不人道,以致格魯的主張失去說服力,終於導致美、日兩國之衝突不能避免。




The Attitude of American diplomats toward the Japanese invasive war on China prior to the Pearl Harbor was a controversial issue. Within the Depts. of state, the political adviser Stanley K. Hornbeck, the pivotal figure on Far Eastern affairs, at first sympathized with the Japanese need to have another resource land for survival. However, when Japanese proclaim to establish a New East Asian Order in November, 1938. He angrily denounce the Japanese claim. Henceforth, he advocate to help China from collapse, eventually to boycott Japan. While Ambassador Nelson Johnson was step by step to concur Hornbeck's points of view. Joseph Grew, the American Ambassador to Japan, was opposed to standing against Japan, for he consider the Japanese ”New East Asian Order” is similar to the American ”Manifest Destiny” in the 1840s. He even wanted the American government to support Japanese claim to make assurance of the American interests in China. In short, he does not want the United States fight Japan in order to save China. However, when the Japanese navy was moving southward to seize Vietnam, threating the security of the Philippines, and the Japanese atrocity in Chinese cities was reported over and over again, eventually making the U.S-Japanese direct confrontation inevitable.




Dorothy Borg(1964).The United States and the Far Eastern Crisis of 1933-1938.Cambridge, MA:Harvard UP,.
Russell D. Buhite.Nelson T. Johnson and American Policy toward China, 1925-41.East Lansing:Michigan State UP.
Russell D. Buhite(1937).FRUS.
Memo of a Conversation between Hornbeck,Hamilton,Kung,Wang(1937).FRUS.
