  • 期刊


Computer Aided Ship Engine Room Ventilation System Design


機艙通風管路設計是造船設計中重要的一環,其電腦輔助作業的發展起步亦甚早,然而通風管路不單是幾何位置的決定,其風量之配置亦有直接之關係,本研究成功的整合了電腦輔助設計製圖軟體以及風量計算程式使設計工作得以一體完成。 此外,本研究並具體的提出一利用船體結構暨設備工作參考圖層以及利用主要管路與次要管路建置,修改及自動重新編碼等兩大特色之機艙通風管路設計流程,有效的大幅度提升設計效率,對未來電腦輔助造船設計之整合將有極大之助益。


Ship engine room system design is a key part of ship design. Just like the ship design, computer aided ship engine room system design started at quite early time. However, despite the geometric layout, the calculation of ventilation capacity is related to whole design. In this paper, we successfully integrated both computer works into a working system. In addition, two unique concepts are proposed to improve the ventilation system design. First is the utilization of reference drawings of ship structure and equipments. Second is the using of primary and secondary pipe generation, editing and auto-renumbering techniques. A flow chart is presented to show this improved working procedures, and a 3D sample system is illustrated.
