  • 期刊


Impact Destruction of Bullet Proof Ceramic Compound Material


本研究以抗彈陶瓷板及芳香族聚醯胺纖維梭織布為主要材料,分別探討添加陶瓷板材芳香族聚醯胺纖維梭織布以及未添加陶瓷板材梭織布對抗彈程度之差異。利用ANSYS10.0建立模型以及LS-DYNA 3D模擬分析,可判斷出最佳的陶瓷厚度及梭織布的層數,並進行衝擊能量分析,之後利用實彈射擊以判斷彈頭鈍化程度及芳香族聚醯胺纖維梭織布凹陷程度。經研究發現,當陶瓷板材為6mm時,可有效分散彈頭衝擊能量,且梭織布添加抗彈陶瓷板材時比未添加陶瓷板材的彈頭損耗率高,最高可達87%;凹陷深度亦然,添加陶瓷板材後之凹陷深度達0.1 cm,而有效達到抗彈效果。


This research is to investigate the impact destruction of bulletproof ceramic compound materials. The bullet proof ceramic plates and the aromatic polyamide fabric as the main material to determine the different bullet proof effects between the aromatic polyamide fabrics with ceramic plates and without ceramic plates. We utilize the ANSYS 10.0 system to build the model and LS-DYNA 3D system to simulate and analyze the impact energy, and also to determine the optimal thickness of ceramic plates and the layers of aromatic polyamide fabrics. After running the simulated system, we can know the degree and the hollowness of aromatic polyamide fabrics. From the results, when ceramic plates are above 6nim, they are able to disperse the impact energy of bullet proof effectively and the bullet destroyed degree of ceramic plied with aromatic polyamide fabrics is better than single aromatic polyamide fabric, the highest value can reach 87%, and the aromatic polyamide fabrics hollowed degree can reach 0.1cm to protect bullet effectively.
