  • 期刊

Google Maps應用於國中坡地防災教學之研究-以台中縣外埔國中為例

Study of Applying Google Maps on Slope Disaster Prevention Teaching in Junior High School-Waipu Junior High School of Taichung County as an Example


台灣島因位處特殊地理位罝,以致其地質、地形、氣候等條件不佳,加上長期以來人為不當之開發等因素,使得坡地災害的事件頻傳,因此國人對自身所處之地理環境的認識與坡地災害防救之意識即顯得特別重要。然而由於坡地災害發生之時空常有不同,以致國人往往認為:「這種事一定不會發生在我身上」,如果又忘記或根本沒有體認到事態的嚴重性,就完全不會有動機去關心、學習。 鑑於防災教育需從小做起,本研究設計了「Google Maps 應用於坡地防災教學之學習態度」之問卷,並利用班/週會及彈性課程(歷時2週共4節),進行防災教學實作與訪談,再實施問卷測驗,最後將所蒐集的資料進行量與質的分析處理。在量的研究方面,將所得之數據進行獨立樣本之t檢定;在質的研究方面,則於實驗組中隨機選取學生進行訪談。 研究發現,學生在接受防災學習後之學習態度問卷具有信度與效度,不但學生的防災學習態度明顯較趨積極,且將Google Maps 應用於國中防災教育宣導中之學生除了學會繪製土石流防災避難圖外,其對鄉土的環境也更加了解,且其學習興趣也大為提高。經過這樣的入門練習,不但可達到預期之教學目標且能將學生誘導到正確之電腦應用上,更能培養國中生資訊應用之基本能力,並讓學生對鄉土產生濃郁之情感。


For being located at a special geographical position. The condition of geology, topography, climate are bad. Further more, with the misconduct development for a long time of human caused the incident slope disasters. It's particularly important, such as understanding of geographical environment in which their own and awareness of Slope disaster. However, the slope disasters often have different time and space, people often to think: <||>This thing will not happen to me<||> People will not care and learn, if they be forgotten or simply recognize that the seriousness of the situation in the past. In view of disaster prevention education need to starting from childhood, this study was designed <||>Learning attitude scale of Google Maps for slope disaster prevention teaching <||>and using classes weekly, flexible courses after four hours of teaching practice and interviews during the two weeks. After teaching in the implementation of the questionnaire, and data collected analysis of in quantity and quality .In the quantitative research, the data to conduct an independent sample t-test; In the qualitative research, Interviews for simple random sampling students of the experimental group. This study found that the scale is reliability and validity, and the students learning attitude of disaster prevention are obviously a positive. Moreover, Google Maps applied to disaster prevention education in junior high. Students can drawing debris flow disaster prevention and evacuation map. Not only students understand the local environment, but also increased the interest in learning. After this introductory exercise, the teacher can achieve teaching objectives and foster to students ability of basic information. Let students have strong emotion for his country.


李有騰(2013)。應用系統思考於水循環課程與數位學習 平台設計之研究〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2013.00178
