  • 期刊


Alpine Developsfor Bed and Breakfast to Discussion of the Land on Slope Security-Chin-Ging Area as an Example


南投縣清境地區由於傳統農業已趨式微,又因擁有特殊地理環境,具有豐富的自然資源及多樣的人文景觀,紛紛轉型以發展觀光,惟民宿業者多在未妥善規劃完成之前即大量開發施設民宿,因清境地區位於高海拔之山地,地形陡峭、地質脆弱、雨量強且集中,對生態環境、水土資源保育及旅遊安全造成隱憂。 本研究從研究區域之歷史沿革、民宿發展過程探討坡地之安全,發現因受限於土地分區使用,欲在本區興建觀光飯店或旅館之可能性甚低,因此皆以農舍或農莊轉為民宿,而農舍興建只要申請簡易水土保持,且其建築執照逕由仁愛鄉公所核發,較為方便。在欠缺嚴謹審核及稽查之情況下,出現這些民宿約三分之一建於坡度超過30%陡坡上、擅自設置通路、污水任意排放等情形,對當地之坡地安全已造成嚴重威脅。故應以2008年9月侵襲台灣之辛樂克颱風所造成廬山溫泉地區駭人聽聞災害慘劇為戒,建議政府盡速訂定實施總量管制之相關法規,並加強坡地安全檢查,對於有安全顧慮之民宿應執行拆除,且應盡速完成排水設施及污水下水道設施,避免地表逕流沖蝕坡面土壤危及坡地安全及污染下方環境及污染濁水溪水源,對農舍建築執照之申請,應嚴加審核並加強稽查,避免造成地滑,維護旅遊安全。


The traditional agriculture decline gradually in Chin-Ging area of Nantou, the tourism of this area is developed based in the special geographical feature, rich nature resource and diversity of humanism in Chin-Ging area. Because of the characters of high elevation, steep and friability topography and high frequently heavy rainfall on the area, a large of unsuitable bed and breakfast appear will danger the ecosystem, water and soil conservation and tourism. According to study the history of evolution geographical feature and development of the bed and breakfast in this area, it is impossible to build any hotel in this area with consideration of the safety survey of slop land. Every local bed and breakfast was transformed by farmhouse. If the simplified water and soil conservation work about the condition of farmhouse was finished, the building license of this farmhouse will be give by Renai Township office. Unfortunately, because the serious examination to build a farmhouse is never carried out, the bed and breakfast build on over 30% slop land, lawless road establishment and polluted water emission etc. .are the result. And the mention above will danger the safety survey of slop land in this area.


潘瓊君(2016)。《看見台灣》研究 ──行銷、敘事與效應分析〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614044702
