  • 期刊


Using Kano's Model and Green Marketing Viewpoint to Investigate the Customer Demand of Organic Specialty Store


環境保護的議題在近年來臺灣經濟發展的過程中受到極大的關注,也是許多企業面臨的問題。有機農業、有機食品、無公害食品之產業也伴隨著國民所得的增加而發展,有機專賣店的興起更代表著綠色產業在零售流通業中已逐漸開始佔有一席之地。企業在無前例可循之下,如何利用有限的資源達到顧客需求是極為重要的。如果能將綠色行銷的品質要素加以分類,使企業可以快速發現那些要素應當最先受到重視,再對於最先需要重視的要素加重行銷力量,就可使得企業充分達到策略行銷的目的。 本研究利用Kano模式將有機專賣店顧客需求的品質要素加以分類,並採相對多數的方式將品質要素歸成五大類,包括:魅力要素、一維要素、當然要素、無差異要素、反轉要素,經問卷調查後,本研究獲得以下之結論: 一、本研究在探討的45個要素中,有4項為魅力要素,15項為一維要素,2項當然要素,21項無差異要素,3項反轉要素,大部份要素均具有二維品質特性。 二、在不同的人口統計變數下,顧客對品質要素歸類之看法,是具有顯著的差異。 三、本研究利用品質改善指標分數,計算各品質要素可增加滿意與減少不滿意程度,以供有機專賣店業者在行銷實施上之優先順序。


The environmental protection subject received the enormous attention in the recent years for Taiwan economy development process, and it's also the question which the enterprise must to face. Industry of organic agricultural, organic food, the non- environmental damage food also follows the national income increase to develop, and the organic specialty stores emerges to represent the green industry to gradually start in the retailing industry to hold the small space. Although, there are not any project can be follow up on the enterprise, but it is extremely important about how to use the less resources to achieve the customer demand. If we can perform the factor of green marketing essential quality and to classify, then the enterprise can to use it under the first times, however, the enterprise can to perform the green marketing success. This study applies Kano's model to classify attributes as attractive quality, one-dimensional quality, mustbe quality, indifferent quality and reverse quality. The findings were: First, 4 items are classified as attractive quality, 15 items are classified as one-dimensional quality, 2 items are classified as must-be quality, 21 items are classified as indifferent quality and 3 items are classified as reverse quality. Second, there are statistically significant differences between customers with different demographics for some quality attributes. Third, this study uses quality improvement index to calculate the extent of satisfaction and extent of dissatisfaction, and supply the green marketing ways for the organic specialty store.


謝峰境(2009)。以Kano與Refined Kano 模式探討建材批發業之顧客服務策略〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-1111200915521736
