  • 會議論文


Teh Effect of Different Warm-Up Protocols on the Performance of Rowing Ergometer


探討不同熱身方式對於划船測功儀運動表現之影響。實驗方法:以台南市立土城高中9名男性划船隊選手為受測對象、身高174.89±3.18公分、體重66.44±6.46公斤、年齡16.78±0.83歲,所有選手均受過2年以上的訓練且在一年內皆無下肢運動傷害紀錄。所有受測者必須參與兩個階段的實驗,此兩個實驗將導入不同的熱身方式,兩項測驗間隔一個星期。所得資料以相依樣本t檢定進行統計分析。結果:動態熱身的運動表現優於靜態伸展的運動表現。結論與建議:動態熱身可以增進划船測功儀的運動表現, 因此建議在測驗運動表現前採用動態熱身。


熱身 划船 測功儀


Purpose: to study the effect of different warm-up protocols on the performance of rowing ergometer. Methodology: 9 male rowing contestants from Tainan municipal TuCheng high school were recruited as subjects. Their average height was 174.89±3.18 cm, average weight was 66.44±6.46 kg and average age was 16.78±0.83 years. All of them were trained over two years and didn't own any sports injury record in one year. In study, all subjects should join experiments. In these two experiments, different warm-up protocols were imported. The time interval between these two experiments was one week. All data were analyzed by t-test for dependent samples for statistical analysis. Result: the performance after subjects underwent dynamic warm up was better than the performance after subjects underwent static warm up. Conclusion and suggestion: dynamic warm up was beneficial for the increasing of the performance of rowing ergometer and consequently dynamic warm up was suggested.


warm up rowing rowing ergometer
