  • 期刊


Assessment of the Electric Motorcycle Policy




Fast economic growth over the past two to three decades not only enhances wealth of general public, it also generated huge quantities of pollutants, accumulated in environment over these years. Mass transit system did not develop along with the economic ones. As a result, numbers of private cars and motorcycles increase by factors of 14 and 3 from 1980 till 2002. Currently every one in five has car, and one in 1.9 owns a motorcycle. Electric Motorcycle program formally started at 1999. With subsidies range from NT6,000 to NT34,000 each electric motorcycle purchased, government hope it can replace the conventional ones in order to reduce pollutants in the cities. It was found in late 2001, number of registered electric motorcycle is far short of initial expectation. Subsidize was terminated next year. This study compares the costs of this program, pollutant emission changes, and subsequent health benefit. Many assumption were made during evaluation, the resulting overall benefit is -5.45 billion NT. Low public acceptance is key for such development. In other words, there are many 'inconveniences' associated with electric motorcycles, and consumers are not willing to exchange their time or efforts for some improvements in air quality. However, if new model can substantially reduce those 'inconveniences', it is possible that people are happy to accept the new vehicles.


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