  • 期刊

The Diagnosis of Acute Abdominal Pain Confounded by Concommitant Hyperventilation: A Case Report



一位二十三歲的男性病人,在急診室以急性腹痛、躁動,以及呼吸過度為主要的表現。在他抵達急診室後的十五分鐘時,忽然發生驚厥及呼吸性鹼中毒。在接受鎮靜劑治療及短時間的觀察之後,患者自覺比較舒服,且醫生也准其回家;但在離院之後兩小時,他又因腹痛而重返急診。手術結果證實患者為罹患急性闌尾炎。 一個人因為焦慮,常會引發呼吸過度症候群;但焦慮本身也可能因某些潛在的因素所導致―例如本文所報告的個案―疼痛是一個誘因。當你要讓一位病人離開急診時,務必記住兩件事:第一,你所下的診斷是否與病人的主訴相等;第二,你是否已對病人做過完整的理學檢查。如此,才可以避免因病人在離院不久之後又重返急診時所引起的尷尬。


A 23 year-old male presented to the Emergency Department (ED) with acute abdominal pain, agitation and tachypnea. He seizured within fifteen minutes of his arrival and was found to have acute respiratory alkalosis. After sedation and observation he felt better and was sent home, only to return two hours later due to abdominal pain. Surgery revealed an acute appendicitis. Hyperventilation syndrome is commonly triggered by anxiety, but anxiety too usually has a precipitating cause; in this case pain. Always be sure that your discharge diagnosis is compatible with your initial complaint and that you have performed a careful physical examination to avoid being embarrassed by the patienl’s early return.
