

先天性氣管狹窄為一罕見之小兒呼吸道疾患。此例患孩經向胸部X光,電腦斷層及支氣管鏡檢查而發現患有先天性支氣管狹窄,經治療後,症狀改善,無呼吸窘迫之情形。 由於此一疾患並不常見且症狀無專一性,故本文針對此疾患之臨床症狀,診斷方法和治療,參考國外文獻整理并提出報告。


Congenital tracheal stenosis remains a rare congenital anomaly. The presenting signs and symptoms are stridor, recurrent pneumonia and respiratory distress which are commonly seen in other diseases. The rarity of congenital tracheal stenosis and non-specific clinical presentation makes it a challenge for early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. A nine month-old infant presented with stridor and respiratory distress that failed to respond to dexamethasone. He was diagnosed as having class I tracheal stenosis by bronchoscopy and radiographic studies. The patient improved after conservative medical treatment. Though an uncommon diagnosis, further differentiating patients into one of three classes helps aid in treatment planning.
