  • 期刊


Research on Historical Space Conservation and Reuse




This study mainly explores technological issues regarding the maintenance and conservation of spaces in historical buildings. The subject discussed in this study is the Jen Ai Building, which used to serve as the Jingmei Military Detention Centre during the ”White Terror” period in Taiwan. Through the literature review and on-site inspections of the detention cells in inside the Building, the history of political prosecution victims and the construction of the detention cells are explored to evaluate the conservation and reuse values of the Building as well as technological consideration for its restoration in order to maintain its historical authenticity.Through the literature review and on-site inspections in this study, it is found the detention cells in the Building are all marked with the historical traces of many political prosecution victims back then. However, the interior finish materials used in the detention cells, including some materials added for special incidents such as wall pads to prevent the victims from committing suicide, are all seriously deteriorating due to their waning life cycles. To conserve the spaces in these cells, the first priority is to slow down the deterioration of their finish materials, followed by removal of unstable installations on site such as the lay-in ceiling and wires.
