  • 期刊


An Analysis on Musculoskeletal Injuries of Pharmacy Employeesin One Medical Center


背景與目的:骨骼肌肉傷害在許多產業都相當常見,目前已被認為是主要的職業傷害之一。醫療服務業的職傷發生率屬於職業傷害中的高危險群,比較常被討論的醫療業潛在危害包括醫護人員感染肺結核、針扎、護士下背痛等。至於醫院內另一重要工作族群-藥劑部門人員,工作性質為長時間重覆性的工作,容易造成肩頸、上肢及手腕等骨骼肌肉傷害,國內外文獻對此一族群的職業健康相關調查及研究並不多見,因此值得進一步探討。 材料與方法:本研究是以北市某醫學中心92位藥劑部門人員自覺骨骼肌肉傷害的自填問卷調查做分析。問卷調查是利用挪威肌肉骨骼傷害問卷調查表(Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire,簡稱NMQ)來進行。藥劑部門人員依工作性質不同可分為(1)調劑相關人員:工作包含調配、覆核及發藥,(2)臨床行政人員兩大類。問卷結果以描述性統計及卡方檢定進行資料比較。 結果:藥劑部門人員有任一部位肌肉骨骼不適的比例高達95.7%,調劑相關人員以肩膀不適的比例最高90.9%,而臨床行政人員則以頸部不適的比例最多約78.4%。肌肉骨骼傷害部位與工作內容的相關性,經過Chi-Square分析後發現調劑相關人員的工作與手或手腕及肩膀的不適有顯著相關,P值分別為0.008及0.022。其它部位的肌肉骨骼不適則與工作性質無顯著相關。


Background and purpose: Musculoskeletal injuries, frequently seen in a variety of industries, are regarded as one of the most important issues in occupational health. Medical professionals constitute one of the high-risk groups in the occurrence of occupational injuries. Among this group, the potential harm that draws attention most commonly are tuberculosis, needle prick injuries and low back pain of nurses. However, the group of pharmacy employees, who tend to develop musculoskeletal injuries more easily by means of long-time repeated work, is rarely studied. The purpose of this research is to analyze the prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries of pharmacy employees in one medical center. Material and method: By using the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire, 92 pharmacy employees in one medical center in Taipei were recruited in this study. According to the type of work, all the subjects were divided into two groups: (1) Prescription-related employees: tasks included prescription make-up, checking, and delivering. (2) Administrative employees. The analysis was conducted by using descriptive statistics and Chi-square. Results: The percentage of musculoskeletal discomfort in pharmacy employees is up to 95.7%. The location that holds the largest share in the two groups, prescription-related employees and administrative employees, is shoulder and neck, with the prevalence rate of 90.9% and 78.4% respectively. By applying the Chi-Square analysis, the discomfort at the hand, wrist and shoulder in the both groups is significantly associated with their works (p<0.05).


