  • 期刊


A Case report of TCM treatment of pregnancy after breast cancer chemotherapy


本篇病例報告為一位37歲婦人,6年前因乳癌第二期手術併化療治療,化療後使用荷爾蒙療法五年及一劑柳菩林(Leuplin Depot)導致停經五年餘。停用柳菩林三個月後月經來潮,至生殖中心準備進行人工生殖治療。台北醫學大學附設醫院生殖中心建議至中醫調養後再進入療程,中醫調治第四個月自然受孕,並於去年產下健康男孩。此患者中醫辨證為脾腎氣虛,合併月經週期療法,利用中藥及針灸方式調整卵巢功能,促使健康卵子生長並排出,達到自然受精、孕育生命的結果。藉由此案例探討中醫治療藥物造成卵巢損傷的可能機轉與方向。


This case report is about a 37-year-old woman who suffered second-stage breast cancer. After surgery and chemotherapy, she used hormone theraphy and leuplin depot to cause artificial menopause for five years. After three months of stopping Leuplin treatment, She went to TMUH Infertility Center to prepare for artificial reproduction treatment. The TMUH Infertility Center recommended her using TCM treatment first. After four months of TCM treatment, she conceived naturally and gave birth to a healthy boy next year. Syndrome differentiation is chi deficiency of spleen and kidney, combined with menstrual cycle therapy. Using Chinese medicine with acupuncture and moxibustion to regenerate ovarian function, promote the growth and discharge of healthier eggs, and achieve the effect of natural fertilization and give birth to a boy. This case discusses the mechanism and direction of the treatment of ovarian injury using traditional Chinese medicine.


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